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The Sequoia Advisor

IN THIS ISSUE                                                        January 1st 2012

  • Strong Goals Ensure a Successful 2012
  • Take Back Responsibility for Your Health
  • NEW Healthy Weight!TM Workshop at Dream Yoga Studio
  • Osteoporosis Support News
  • Reston Patch Spotlights Posture Perfect!TM

Feel Better... Live Better

Strong Goals Ensure a Successful 2012
by Woody McMahon

Your Road Map to Personal Success
New Year's is here. Now is the time to set strong goals that encompass the
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life. When taking
a trip, maps or GPS help keep you on the right road ensuring you reach
your destination safely and soundly. In life, strong goals act as the road
map allowing you to better enjoy the journey because you know where
you're going. Goals give direction helping streamline day to day decisions
while making improvements from year to year. Good goal planning followed
by effective implementation is essential for success in any walk of life.
But how do you set achievable goals? How can you tell what is an
important goal and what is not?

Healthy Goals Reduce Stress
There is nothing worse than having goals for everything else except your
health. It would be like starting on a trip with absolutely no idea of how
to get there. Establishing a good set of goals especially at the New Year
helps reduce your stress
levels for the entire year. The best way to set
health goals is to identifying four areas that need improvement. From there,
pick the goal you feel is the easiest to improve. Work on that goal for at
least 3 months or until you feel that it has become a comfortable habit.
Once goal #1 is doing better, go to the second one and so forth. By the
end of the year you can congratulate yourself on having made four
important improvements in your lifestyle.

Balancing the Personal and Professional
More often than not, professional goals such as making money or taking
care of
kids takes precedent over personal goals. We always lead by
example; so how can you be an effective leader at home or work without
strong personal direction? Don't place your personal goals and dreams on
hold for your kids or job. Waiting for retirement to fulfill your dreams is not
a good idea either. Putting things on hold until retirement will only leave
you unfulfilled
and resentful. Even in retirement you want to be
productive, not just busy. Start learning to get the most out of life now
because there are no guarantees that you will be here in the future.

Making Goal Setting Easier
To make goal setting easier, dedicate some quiet time to thinking about
your current life situation. Decide what you like about your life right now
and what you don't. Write down your likes and dislikes on a piece of
paper so they are easier to visualize. Include the dreams you have kept
close to your heart and the vision you've had for yourself "once you grew

Ask yourself if you are living life proactively or reactively. Are you making
compromises in life because of other people or are you living the life you
Ask yourself all these questions and then pick four goals you would
like to accomplish for 2012 listing them in order of importance. Pick goals
that will make your life more meaningful or help make you a better person.
Once you have your goals, commit to reviewing them daily and start
working on number one for the New Year. 

Would you like to improve your health but don't know where to start?
How about an exercise program that alleviates pain and strengthens your
bones? Do you have weight problems but are tired of dieting? I provide an
easy to follow program without the gimmicks or fads. You'll also get the
education, motivation and accountability necessary to improve your health
while helping you feel and look your best. Please call Woody McMahon for a
no cost consultation, at 703-628-2880 or email to

Take Back Responsibility for Your Health
by Woody McMahon

The Current Health Care Crisis
There is a solution to our current healthcare crisis and it has nothing to
do with Senators,  Congressman or healthcare bills. You can be a direct
part of the solution especially if you choose to live a healthy lifestyle. 
On the surface the increase in heart disease, obesity, cancer, high blood
pressure and high cholesterol would make it appear that good health
is an aberration rather than the natural order of things. Analyze the
situation more closely and you'll find that healthy days far out number
sick ones. Your body wants to be healthy IF you don't interfere by
subjecting it to unhealthy habits. But how do you really achieve good
physical and mental health that goes well beyond just the absence of
being sick?

Beyond Just Crisis Management
It is unwise to just address your health only during a crisis. This is
commonly called the "band-aid" approach to feeling good. Sickness is the
final stages of many missed opportunities to take care of yourself. Lack of
quality sleep, no regular exercise program, poor food choices and a high
stress lifestyle can all deplete your reserves and open you up to illness.
Sickness is the body's only way of telling you that something is very
wrong. In some situations, it may be your body's way of forcing you to
rest. Your body can only take so much stress and strain and then
something has to give.

Taking Responsibility for Yourself
Personally, I would rather choose my rest periods somewhere on a warm and
sunny beach than sitting in doctor's office or hospital. What about you?
The best way to take back responsibility for your health is to throw away
the "band-aid" approach and practice prevention. By not relying upon short
term fixes for long-term problems, you feel better and are able to enjoy
life more. It's your body; it's your health, demand the very best for yourself.
For 2012, choose better lifestyle habits that keep chronic illness at bay
while allowing you to feel and look your best.

Yes, You Choose Your Lifestyle
It was once a popular belief that we had little control over our health.
However, research continues to confirm that your health and wellbeing is
about 75% nurture (your lifestyle) and about 25% nature (your genes).
That means that you have the power to live a long and healthy life based
on the lifestyle decisions you make today. Here are four important lifestyle
choices you can make every day. They will help you take more responsibility
for your health while you feel and look your beat.

Step 1 Stay Active
Participating in fun physical activity is one of the best ways to reduce
stress and fill your body and mind with vitality. Having fun with your
physical activity is more important than the type of exercise you try.
You'll increase the chance of participating for a long time if you make
your physical activity more social. Invite your family or friends along to
Sequoia or the park for a nice walk or other activity adventure.

Step 2 Get a Good Night's Sleep
Sleep has always and will always be important to your good health.
Although experts agree you need sleep, most disagree on how much.
The quality of your sleep is just as important as the quantity. To
improve your sleep quality, take the necessary time at night to relax
before bedtime. No watching television right before bed. Taking a
nap is another good way to increase rest time.

Step 3 Make Time for Yourself
You'll want to make time for your various healing activities. If your
first reaction is to say "I don't have enough time to take care of myself"
then you have a huge challenge to overcome. It is hard to be a good parent,
run a business or be a productive employee without internal and external
strength. Time for yourself, doing the things you love, rejuvenates your
soul. You're going to need support so call on your spouse, friends and
family to give you the time you need.

Step 4 Choose Healthier Foods
The old saying is "garbage in garbage out." Clearly this applies to food.
There are truly no really bad foods but lots of poor food choices. You can
still eat all the foods you love or even crave if you balance them with
fruit, vegetables and a good balanced protein source. It really is that
simple. The more balanced your eating approach the less chance of food
cravings and vitamin deficiencies.

Try these healthy lifestyle changes for 30 days. Feel what it is like to be a
part of the healthcare solution rather than a health burden. If you
need additional suggestions and advice on living a healthier lifestyle,
email or call me for a no cost consultation, at 703-628-2880 or email

NEW Workshops at Dream Yoga Studio

Announcing an exciting new health partnership for 2012.
Luann Fulbright, the owner of Dream Yoga Studio asked me to offer
three of my signature Fresh Start!TM programs in workshop format.
The workshops bring you practical and valuable information to help
kick-start your health and fitness program for the New Year.
Each workshop is followed by 8 weeks of continuation classes
allowing you to not only learn new skills but get the support you

need to more easily accomplish your health and fitness goals

for 2012.

Dream Yoga Studio and Wellness Center is located in McLean, VA.
Luann and I thought that my Be Bone Strong!TM, Healthy Weight!TM
and Posture Perfect!TM programs would fit nicely with her ever
expanding wellness vision and class offerings. You can learn
more about the interesting and diverse offerings at Dream Yoga

and Wellness Studio at

Here is the workshop schedule starting in January of 2012.

Healthy Weight!TM Workshop Jan 21st from 2 to 5 pm
This workshop is a great way to kick-start your weight loss program for
the New Year.
The insights you gain in Healthy Weight!TM will make this
your final weight loss effort. Period! 
Losing weight is much easier when you
recognize and eliminate the real cause of weight gain... stress overeating.
Learning to work with your body yields faster and longer lasting results
eliminating diet frustration and stress. Healthy Weight!TM Workshop
teaches you a simple, easy to follow system that eliminates the need for
calorie counting, special diets, extreme Boot Camp workouts and unhealthy
supplements. It also designed to compliment your existing yoga practice
if you have one. Handouts Provided.

Posture Perfect!TM Workshop February 18th from 2 to 4 pm
The New Year is a great time to start looking and feeling your best.
Posture Perfect!TM is a safe and effective program based on clinically
proven exercises that will have you standing taller, sitting straighter and
sleeping sounder. Woody's program offers you a simple, easy-to-follow
system that improves posture, balance, strength while reducing stress in
as little as 10 minutes a day. It's also designed to compliment an existing
yoga practice, if you have one; boost your energy; and improve self-
confidence and body image. Posture Perfect!TM provides the tools and
support you need to successfully change how you look and feel.
Handouts Provided.

Be Bone Strong!TM Osteoporosis Workshop March 17th from 2 to 5 pm
This 3-hour workshop offers a complete, personalized bone and joint
health program that nicely compliments your yoga practice, if you have
one. Be Bone Strong! goes beyond just increasing bone density, and clearly
and easily teaches you a step-by- step process to improve bone health.
Some of the topics that will be covered are eating for a stronger body,
stress and bone health, vitamin D essentials, reducing inflammation for
healthier bones, and bone health exercise strategies. Based on the
principals and teaching of the Meeks MethodTM; this is the only program of
it's kind in the Northern, VA area. This workshop is a good introduction
to Woody's 8-Week "Be Bone Strong" Mini-Course that starts at
Dream Yoga on Mar 22.

If you have questions or need more information please contact
me at or call 703.628.2880.


Osteoporosis Support News

2012 Osteoporosis Resource Center's (ORC) Classes

The ORC is unique in the Northern Virginia area offering safe and effective
exercise classes including Personal Training, Yoga, Tai Chi and
Posture Perfect!TM classes and consultations for people with osteoporosis,
osteopenia, back, hip and neck pain as well as other bone and joint health

"What makes the ORC unique is that it offers safe and effective exercise
programs that can help improve posture, balance and strength for bone
and joint health problems" says Woody McMahon one of the center's
co-directors. "For the first time people that come to the center can feel
comfortable that the exercises they are performing will only do good and
not cause any harm. "

Who Benefits From Our Classes
Beginners: Our unique classes are great for a beginner who wants to
start exercising but does not know where to start.
Post Rehabilitation: Our classes offer a safe and effective transition from
physical therapy to more general exercise helping to safely strengthen
important stability muscles.
Advanced: The classes are perfect for tennis players, golfers or runners
who want to enhance their bodies to improve their sport.

Current Class Schedule

Tai Chi for Osteoporosis
When: Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30-2:30 PM
Where: Qi Elements Center, 464 Herndon Parkway, Suite 215, Herndon, VA
Tuition: $105 for one class a week, $190 for both classes
Email or call Roger 703 435-4400 for more

NEW Yoga for Boomers & Beyond
When: Mondays 6:45PM to 8PM
Where: Qi Elements Center, 464 Herndon Parkway, Suite 215, Herndon, VA
Tuition: $154 for one class a week for 7 weeks
Email or call Bonnie at
703-407-2065 for more information.

Posture Perfect!TM Level 1 Class
When: Mondays 7:00PM to 8PM for 7 Weeks
Where: Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc. 483 Carlisle Drive, Herndon, VA
Tuition: $140 for one class a week for 7 weeks
Email or call Woody at
703-628-2880 for more information.

Newsletter Sign-Up
Sign-up for our FREE newsletter The Sequoia Advisor to stay informed
about all of our future class offerings, workshops and seminars. It is
easy... just go to and enter your
name and email address.

We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our classes.

Please call Woody McMahon at 703-628-2880 or email to for more information.

People in The News

RestonPatch Spotlights Posture Perfect!TM Classes

Reporter Robin Lundgren of the RestonPatch wrote a great article on our
Posture Perfect! classes. She came to the Wednesday morning class
and interviewed several members and took some memorable pictures.

To read more go to:

Each one hour class is designed to help improve your posture, balance
and strength. The exercises are based on the The Meeks MethodTM,
created by Sara Meeks, PT to safely build bone and muscle,
improve posture and balance and relieve back pain.

According to Sara Meeks."Abdominal crunches, sit-ups, and other common
exercises that bend the spine can cause back pain and even spinal
fractures." "It's frightening that most people with low bone mass are not
aware of it," Meeks says. "They think osteoporosis is a disease that only
affects older Caucasian women."

The next Posture Perfect!TM class starts on Monday January 9th at
Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc. If you would like to host a
Posture Perfect!TM
class at your church, synagogue or office please contact Woody McMahon
at or by phone at 703.628.2880.

Continued Good Health,


Woody McMahon
The Sequoia Advisor

Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
483A Carlisle Drive
Herndon, VA

Required Disclaimer: The material provided herein should not be construed
as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed
health-care advice or instruction. The material is provided with the
understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine
or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care
practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. The publisher does not
advise or recommend to its readers treatment or action with regard to
matters relating to their health or well-being other than suggesting that
readers consult appropriate health-care professionals in such matters. No
action should be taken based solely on the content of this publication. The
material and opinions provided herein are believed to be accurate and sound
at the time of publication, based on the best judgment available to the
authors. However, readers who rely on material in this publication to
replace the advice of health-care professionals, or who fail to consult
with health-care professionals, assume all risks of such conduct. The
publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.

Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.


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    A mindful and holistic approach to Fall Prevention, Balance, Full Body Functional Strengthening and Posture Exercises for All Ages! Our Science-Based Exercises are Safe and Appropriate for Your Ability. Our Exercises Help Improve Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Fear of Falling, Balance and Strength Problems. Reston, Great Falls, Herndon, Middleburg, Arlington Sterling and Northern Virginia.

    483A Carlisle Drive
    Herndon, VA 20170

    300 West Washington Street
    Middleburg, VA 20118
