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As far as feedback on the Posture Perfect!TM class goes, it has not only met my expectations, but exceeded them! There are several reasons I enjoy the class...
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Osteoporosis Specialty Center
Where Do You See Yourself in This Picture?
A Certified Meeks Method Facility
Stabilizing the spine and hip to prevent fractures should be the first step in any osteoporosis/osteopenia exercise program. Our osteoporosis/osteopenia program is the only one of it’s kind in the Northern Virginia area. We are a certified “The Meeks Method” facility utilizing the only known exercises that have been shown in medical studies to reduce the likelihood and incidence of compression fractures. There are many exercise programs offered at traditional health clubs, Yoga and Pilate's studios, the YMCA and Curves. Unfortunately, these programs can actually cause damage rather than protect your spine and hips. Staying fracture free is the key to successfully managing osteoporosis/osteopenia.
Preventing Falls and Fractures
The second step should be preventing falls and fractures. Falls and fractures can change your life forever. If you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis/osteopenia then a fall can be even more devastating. After your diagnosis, the most important next step is to start the RIGHT kind of exercise program. It is going to be more important than what you eat, the supplements that you take or the medications that your doctor may prescribe. You need an exercise program that is safe and effective for your bones; improves your balance and posture and targets the spine and hip protective muscles. Staying fracture free is the key to successfully managing osteoporosis/osteopenia.
Exercise Machines... Both Unsafe and Ineffective
We do not use machines or flexion (forward bending) exercises in our osteoporosis activity program like the ones offered at your local health club, Curves or YMCA. Instead we “unload” or take pressure off your spine by having you exercise in positions of least compression. Our program is shown to be safe, effective and supported by medical literature. You can see dramatic results in your standing posture in 30–45 minutes. Postural education is also an important component of all of our osteoporosis classes.
Simple But Effective Three-Phase Bone Health Exercise Program
The most effective way to protect your bones from fracture is through our three phase bone health approach. The activities we use have been shown clinically to be more effective at reducing fracture risk than medications, supplements or dietary changes. We blend a unique combination of postural stability exercises, dynamic walking and balance and functional weight training into a safe, effective and powerful bone health program.
Here are just a few of our safe and effective bone health programs:
Posture Perfect!TM classes improve posture, increase back and hip muscle strength and enhance balance. These are all important in reducing your risk of falls and hip and vertebral compression fractures. Our small group classes will improve your balance, strengthen back and leg muscles, teach you safer ways to sit, stand and lift while helping you alleviate pain and improve how you look and feel. This class is also a good choice for beginners, deconditioned adults, post rehabilitation or as a supplement to an existing fitness program. The best part of all is Posture Perfect!TM is Sara Meeks, PT approved.
Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance classes for osteoporosis and osteopenia are an evidence-based, falls prevention program that helps increase bone strength, improve balance, reduce fracture risk and reduce stress while maintaining safety and effectiveness. Dr. Li's modified Tai Chi approach has been shown scientifically to reduce falls and risk of falls by over 50% in 24 weeks. It is also helpful if you have a painful back, hips, knees or shoulders.
Be Bone Strong!TM is a complete, safe and effective three phase personal bone health program that helps you improve bone quality and strength. Each customized program includes a lifestyle assessment and a personalized, easy-to-follow support plan. Be Bone Strong!TM helps you improve balance to reduce falls risk, eat healthier meals to fortify your body and reduce stress to lessen your anxiety, worry, fear and bone loss. This program is ideal for improving osteopenia, osteoporosis, low bone mass and fibromyalgia as well as back, neck, hip and knee problems.
Bone and Balance Coaching
Healthier eating, safer and more effective exercise programs and daily stress reduction activities all help create healthier bones and joints. Health and fitness coaching sessions are available to give you the personalized help and information necessary to remain independent and enjoy your life more.
For more information or questions about our classes or programs, please contact Woody McMahon at 703-628-2880 or email to woody@sequoiahealth.com. We look forward to helping you Be Bone and Joint Strong!
You Don't Have to Be Local to Benefit
If you don't live locally or are unable to come to our center, you can still get great information from our group. As a member you can ask questions and get information via email and receive The Sequoia Advisor, our FREE monthly lifestyle newsletter. All of our classes are conducted by experts in their fields ensuring you receive the most current information available.
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A mindful and holistic approach to Fall Prevention, Balance, Full Body Functional Strengthening and Posture Exercises for All Ages! Our Science-Based Exercises are Safe and Appropriate for Your Ability. Our Exercises Help Improve Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Fear of Falling, Balance and Strength Problems. Reston, Great Falls, Herndon, Middleburg, Arlington Sterling and Northern Virginia.
483A Carlisle Drive
Herndon, VA 20170
300 West Washington Street
Middleburg, VA 20118
email: woody@sequoiahealth.com