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The Sequoia Advisor
IN THIS ISSUE February 1st 2013
- A Good Sleep is Vital to Better Health
- Freshening-Up Your Fitness Program
- Upcoming Events... CPR Class February 15th
- Osteoporosis Support News... New Safe and Senior Yoga
- Posture Perfect!TM February 13th Free Demo Class
Feel Better... Live Better
A Good Sleep is Vital to Better Health
By Woody McMahon
Sleep Like a Baby
Some experts say that Americans are a sleep deprived society with our
constant communication and 24 hour television shows. These days, many
people are having trouble getting a restful sleep. A lack of sleep
deteriorates your physical and mental performance very quickly. Without a
good night's sleep, you are more likely to experience depression, acute and
chronic pain, reduced energy, lack of concentration, high blood pressure
and increased physical and mental stress. You also place yourself at a
greater risk for accidents.
The Natural Sleep Cycle
According to the National Sleep Foundation, only about 50% of us get a
good night's sleep. A recent poll of older adults found a direct
correlation between good health and restful sleep. The better the health of
the older adults, the more likely they were to sleep well. Conversely, the
greater the number of diagnosed medical conditions, the more likely they
were to report sleep problems. The poll also revealed that among older
adults, a more positive mood and outlook as well as an active and "engaged"
lifestyle (having someone to speak with about a problem, regular exercise,
volunteer activity, etc.) was associated with sleeping 7-9 hours and having
fewer sleep complaints.
Chemically Induced Sleep
Medication for sleep has become very popular but no one really knows if
this "chemically induced" sleep is as beneficial as the naturally occurring
kind. According to the Mayo Clinic, medications like Ambien, Lunesta, and
Rozerem subject you to various side effects including dizziness, weight
gain, facial swelling, headache, prolonged drowsiness and severe allergic
reaction. They also may not be safe if you have severe depression, a
history of drug or alcohol dependency, are pregnant, breast feeding or
exhibiting sleep behaviors such as sleep-driving and sleep-eating.
Simple Steps to Getting a Restful Sleep
Step 1: Balance Your Physical and Mental Fatigue At the end of the day,
many people are more mentally than physically tired. The first step to getting
a restful sleep is to participate in regular physical activity. Walking, performing
postural exercises or playing a sport will help you feel both mentally and
physically tired making it easier to get a good sleep.
Step 2: Consciously Turn Off Your Day Create a pre-bedtime ritual to help
slowly relax your mind and prepare you for a good night's sleep. Reading a
book with a strong positive message, listening to quieting music or taking a
few moments to meditate sets the right mood before sleep. Avoid watching
television, especially if it has violent or disturbing content, because it tends
to activate rather than quiet your mind.
Step 3: Try Napping or Quiet Time During the day, either in a chair or on
your bed, try just resting or even taking a short nap to keep you from getting
over-tired. You can also use the Decompression Position with abdominal
breathing to relax your spine and mind. Some experts believe that allowing
yourself to rest may be more important in the long run than sleep. Rest happens
when you allow yourself the time to sit, slow your mind and just do nothing.
Resting when you are tired is an act of self kindness and has a profound
de-stressing effect on the mind and body.
Relax More... Stress Less
There are many ways to relax; here are a few. meditation, watching a
sunset, listening to the roar of the ocean, mindful breathing, watching the
birds fly around your backyard or enjoying relaxing music. Make the time
and allow yourself adequate sleep and relaxation. It is the healthy way to
recharge your body and mind while feeling and looking your best.
For more information on how to feel more rested, contact the National
Sleep Foundation at
Would you like to improve your health but don't know where to start?
How about an exercise program that alleviates pain and strengthens your
bones? Do you have weight problems but are tired of dieting? I provide
an easy to follow program without the gimmicks or fads. You'll also get the
education, motivation and accountability necessary to improve your health
while helping you feel and look your best. Please call Woody McMahon for a no
cost consultation, at 703-628-2880 or email to
Freshening-Up Your Fitness Program
by Woody McMahon
Routine Eventually Means Boring
Whomever coined the phrase "fitness routine" didn't realize that they were
actually capturing the true essence of most people's exercise programs.
Routine, defined as having no special quality or ordinary, has no place in
your exercise program. When it comes to your fitness program, make
sure it is balanced, complete and appropriate for your fitness level.
Also be sure that your exercise program prepares you for the greatest
number of real life scenarios. We call these ADL's (Activites of Daily Living).
Your Muscles Like Variety
Your muscles adapt very quickly to movement patterns and postures. A
variety of different exercises prepares your muscles for different ADL's
and sequences. Allowing your muscles to learn multiple movement
patterns keeps you safer and injury during daily activities. Think about what
happens when you lift a child or box, play a sport or get in and out of the
car. You rarely repeat the exact same movement twice in your life.
Staying safe and injury free means having a well designed exercise program
that improves your balance, strength and posture.
Keeping Your Fitness Safe, Appropriate and Effective
Here are three simple suggestions to maximize your exercise benefits
while keeping your program safe, appropriate and effective.
Suggestion 1: Switch From Machines to Free Weights
Free weights offer a unique exercise opportunity helping improve strength,
balance and coordination all at the same time. When performed standing,
free weight exercises are safer for your spine and provide better balance
training as well.
Example 1: Seated Shoulder Press
Try the seated shoulder press standing instead of sitting. Sitting creates
high compressive forces on your spine. Pressing weight over your head
just adds insult to injury. Standing, on the other hand, requires that more
muscles work to perform the exercise. Standing more closely resembles the
activity of putting something into a tall kitchen cabinet. Now, instead of
just the arm and shoulder muscles working, you have balance stimulation,
leg, hip and core muscle strengthening as well.
Suggestion 2: Challenge Your Balance Regularly
Including balance activities in your exercise program increases both the
mental and physical challenge of your workout. Balance is learned when you
are young and it can deteriorate if not practiced regularly. Many people blame
their lack of balance on age. But in truth, practicing your balance less, sitting
more and weak leg muscles are really more to blame.
Example 2: Single Leg Balance
This exercise is simple to perform anytime or anywhere. Simply stand on
one leg and see if you can balance for 30 seconds. You can try it at the check
out line at the grocery store, doing the dishes or brushing your teeth. Just a few
minutes several times a day will make a huge improvement in your balance.
When you can perform on one leg and also consider including fitness toys such as
the BOSU, foam half rolls and balance boards. These exercises are both fun and
add a new dimension of physical and mental challenge.
Suggestion 3: Try Exercise Combinations
Exercise combinations are one of the best ways to add variety and reduce
your time spent exercising. Granted, they are for people capable of more
advanced exercises, but they most closely mimic the ADL's I spoke of earlier.
Here is an example of three exercises normally performed individually and now
can be done simultaneously for a great physical and mental challenge.
Example 3: Squat Biceps Curl and Press
Start with both arms at your side. Next lower yourself into a squat. Come back to
the starting position, and while keeping your knees slightly bent, perform a biceps
curl. At the top of the curl, press both arms straight above your head. Now reverse
the sequence back to the starting position.
Try these simple suggestions and watch how much safer and more effective your
exercise time can become. If you are not sure where to start, give me a call for
suggestions and direction.
Try these healthy lifestyle changes for 30 days. Feel what it is like to be
a part of the health solution rather than a health burden. If you need
additional suggestions and advice on living a healthier lifestyle, email or
call me for a no cost consultation, at 703-628-2880 or email to
Upcoming Events
CPR Classes at Sequoia Health
Friday February 15th from Noon to 3 pm
It is important for everyone to know CPR. The life you help save may
be that of a friend or loved one. Our CPR class is a two year
American Heart Association certification in Adult, Child and Infant
CPR as well as AED.
Melissa Schaaf, a nationally certified massage therapist as well as an
American Heart Association Certified CPR instructor, will be teaching the
Melissa will be teaching Adult, Child and Infant CPR along with AED. She
asks that you wear comfortable clothing to make getting down on the floor
to practice on CPR dummies easier. Please also bring water to drink. If
you have any problems with knees or back that might make it difficult to
get on the floor, please tell us when you register.
The CPR class is approximately 3 hours long with a maximum of 6 participants
and the cost is $75 and good for 2 years. Please contact Woody McMahon
for class dates and availability at
Click Here to read more about the American Heart Association CPR and AED
Be Health Smart! Facebook Page and E-Book Series
For over 30 years, I have been helping people improve their health and
fitness. With all the information (and misinformation) out there, it can
be very challenging to know what and who to believe. One of my goals
for 2013 is to begin an information service capable of cutting through
the confusion and simplifying your path to better health and fitness.
That is the reason why I decided to start the Be Health Smart!
Facebook page and E-Book Series. I have elicited the help of
Megan Smith, RD and together we will give you the straight scoop,
bust a myth or two, simplify the confusion, lessen the madness and help
empower you to make good health decisions. We will also act as a
sounding board so you can ask your questions and get good answers.
Megan Smith, RD is a registered dietician with a specialty in bone health
and healthy weight loss. Over the years, I have been impressed with her
straight talk, level headed approach and captivating writing style pertaining
to food and healthier eating habits. If I might take the liberty of saying so,
she is "One Sharp Cookie!" and I am glad to have her help on this project.
Please Click Here to learn more about Megan and her expertise.
Please watch for updates over the next few weeks as our Facebook page goes
live and we start providing a simpler approach to health and fitness; a clear
and effective alternative to many of the existing health and fitness myths.
Posture Perfect!TM Free Demo Class
Monthly Series
Next Demo Class February 13th from 1 to 2 pm
We are holding FREE Posture Perfect!TM demo classes on the second
Wednesday of every month from 1 to 2 pm. These classes are held
at Congregation Beth Emeth on Lawyers road in Herndon, VA.
so please call Woody McMahon at 703.628.2880 or email to for more information or to make
your reservation.
The FREE Posture Perfect!TM demo class helps introduce you to the many
benefits of our safe and effective posture, balance and strength program
co-developed by Sara Meeks, PT and Woody McMahon, personal trainer.
Come and experience how each class can help strengthen your bones,
improve your balance, alleviate back aches and neck pains, improve
osteoporosis and teach you how to sit and stand-up straighter.
The History of Posture Perfect!TM
When I developed the Posture Perfect!TM classes over 2 years ago, there
were no safe and effective exercise programs available for "over age 50" adults.
Everywhere I looked there were older adults in classes that used seated
exercises (bad for your back); machine style exercises (bad for your balance)
treadmills (a poor leg strengthener); and performed movements that
involved crunching, bending and twisting. (increases the risk of spinal
Posture Perfect!TM solved all of these problems by offering a safe and effective
approach helping older adults become more active. Each class improves your
posture, strengthens your bones, enhances your balance, alleviates back
aches and neck pains, reduces fracture risk and teaches you how to sit
and stand-up straighter.
We have several people in our current classes who are coming to strengthen
their bones and over half of the others are interested in exercises and posture
changes to help make their backs and necks feel better.
Please call Woody McMahon at 703-628-2880 or email to for more information, class times and reservations.
Posture Perfect!TM Testimonials...
Posture Perfect's! momentum continues to grow. Here is a glowing testimonial
from one of our class members.
"Posture Perfect!TM class has not only met my expectations, but exceeded
them! There are several reasons I enjoy the class. The small class size
gives each of us extraordinary personalized training; your knowledge,
expertise, patience, and sense of humor makes me look forward to
coming to a class I thought would be only for 6 weeks; and I have
learned so much more than I expected."
"For example, I now think about my posture every time I sit, and just when
I thought I'd begin to have a hard time rising from sitting on the floor, you
taught me how to make it easier. I try to practice some of the balance
exercises a couple of times a week (I know, I should do it more often!).
I thank you for all I have learned from you so far, and hope to continue
this class for the foreseeable future!"
Click Here to read more about S.A.F.E. and effective Posture Perfect!TM
Osteoporosis Support News
2013 Osteoporosis Resource Center at Qi Elements Classes
Current Class Schedule
Tai Chi for Osteoporosis
When: Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30-2:30 PM
Where: Qi Elements Center, 464 Herndon Parkway
Suite 215, Herndon, VA 20170
Tuition: $105 for one class a week, $190 for both classes
Email or call Roger 703 435-4400 for more
Yoga for Boomers & Beyond
Gentle Yoga for Seniors Classes
When: Monday February 25 from 11:45A to 12:30P
Where: Qi Elements Center, 464 Herndon Parkway
Suite 215, Herndon, VA 20170
Tuition: $32 for 4 classes plus a make-up
More information:
or call Bonnie at 703-407-2065 for more information.
Safe Yoga for Boomers & Beyond Classes
When: Monday February 26 from 6:45P to 8P
Where: Qi Elements Center, 464 Herndon Parkway
Suite 215, Herndon, VA 20170
Tuition: $88 for one class a week for 4 weeks plus make-up
More information:
or call Bonnie at 703-407-2065 for more information.
Posture Perfect!TM Level 1 Beginner Classes
When: Wednesday 12:00 to 1:00 PM and Thursday 6:30 to 7:30 PM
Where: Congregation Beth Emeth
12523 Lawyers Road, Herndon, VA 20171
Tuition: $160 for 8 classes in 8 weeks
Email or call Woody at
703-628-2880 for more information.
What is the ORC?
The ORC is unique in the Northern Virginia area offering safe and effective
exercise classes including Personal Training, Yoga, Tai Chi and
Posture Perfect!TM We also offer classes and consultations for people with
osteoporosis, osteopenia, back, hip and neck pain as well as other
bone and joint health problems.
"What makes the ORC exceptional is that it offers safe and effective exercise
programs that can help improve posture, balance and strength for bone
and joint health problems" says Woody McMahon one of the center's
co-directors. "For the first time people that come to the center can feel
comfortable that the exercises they are performing will only do good and
not cause any harm."
Who Benefits From Our Classes
Beginners: Our unique classes are great for someone who wants to begin
a safe and effective exercise program but does not know where to start.
Post Rehabilitation: Our classes offer a safe and effective transition from
physical therapy to more general exercise that help to safely strengthen
important stability muscles.
Advanced: The classes are perfect for tennis players, golfers or runners
who want to enhance their bodies to improve their sport and continue to
play safely and injury free.
Newsletter Sign-Up
Sign-up for our FREE newsletter The Sequoia Advisor to stay informed
about all of our future class offerings, workshops and seminars. It is
easy... just go to and enter your
name and email address.
We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our classes.
Please call Woody McMahon at 703-628-2880 or email to for more information.
Continued Good Health,
Woody McMahon
The Sequoia Advisor
Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
483A Carlisle Drive
Herndon, VA
Required Disclaimer: The material provided herein should not be construed
as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed
health-care advice or instruction. The material is provided with the
understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine
or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care
practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. The publisher does not
advise or recommend to its readers treatment or action with regard to
matters relating to their health or well-being other than suggesting that
readers consult appropriate health-care professionals in such matters. No
action should be taken based solely on the content of this publication. The
material and opinions provided herein are believed to be accurate and sound
at the time of publication, based on the best judgment available to the
authors. However, readers who rely on material in this publication to
replace the advice of health-care professionals, or who fail to consult
with health-care professionals, assume all risks of such conduct. The
publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.
Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
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