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The Sequoia Advisor
IN THIS ISSUE June 15th 2011
- Stay Flexible. Reduce Injury
- The Skinny on Fats and Oils
- NVA Osteoporosis Resource Center Update!
- Heat Stroke in Pets
- Bone Health Podcasts Coming Soon!
Feel Better... Live Better
Stay Flexible. Reduce Injury
By Woody McMahon
Make Time to Stretch
Inactivity or activity without proper stretching increases your risk of
getting neck, shoulder, hip, back or knee pain. Many people with
increased back, hip and knee pain attribute it to their age or excess
weight. In reality, age or weight is rarely the cause. Rather, most
joint pain can be traced to three main causes:
1. Tight and weak muscles as the result of a sedentary lifestyle
2. A lack of joint lubrication (called synovial fluid) due to inadequate
water intake
3. Poor flexibility caused by tight and shortened muscles
How Does Stretching Work?
Stretching helps to lengthen your muscles allowing them to relax and do
their jobs better. Inactivity and constant sitting shorten and imbalance
muscles placing abnormal stresses on your joints. Stretching is also the
best way to prevent premature deterioration of the cartilage in your
joints. For the cartilage to stay healthy, your joints demand movement.
Flexible muscles prevent narrowed joint spaces, premature cartilage wear
and allow your joints to move freely. Stretching also increases joint range
of motion keeping it well lubricated and healthy.
The Best Time to Stretch
There is some controversy as to the best time to stretch. Most experts
seem to agree that you should warm-up thoroughly before exercise and
stretch after for the best results. The rationale for this approach is your
muscles are cold prior to a workout. Stretching a cold muscle is like
trying to stretch a cold piece of gum. After the workout, your tissues are
much more pliable making them receptive to stretching and long term
improvements in flexibility.
An Effective Upper Body Stretch
The shoulder joint is a complex joint that is easily injured by a lack of
stretching or activities that are too aggressive for one's conditioning.
Tight and painful shoulder joints can easily become "frozen" generally
requiring physical therapy. Here is an excellent shoulder stretch that
works very well.
Towel Stretch: Grab the end of a work-out towel with your right hand. Lift
and hold the towel with your right hand and drape it over your right shoulder
onto your back. Take your left hand and grab the other end of the towel.
You will have to turn your arm so that your palm faces away from your back.
Once you have both hands on the towel, walk both hands towards each
other on the towel. When you can't go any further, gently pull up with
the right hand to stretch the left shoulder. Repeat with the left hand.
A Beneficial Stretch for the Lower Back
There are many reasons why people experience back pain. However, a
majority of back pain is related to tight hip, back and leg muscles. The
first and best way to help your back feel better is through stretching.
Here is an excellent back stretch that works very well.
Cat and Dog Stretch: Get on your hands and knees with your hands spread
shoulder width and your knees hip width apart. Your head should be in a
neutral position with your face pointed straight down. Without moving your
hands or knees, try and press your belly button towards the floor. You will
need to rock your hips forward to do this and increase the curve in the
lower back. Hold for the count of 10. Now go in the opposite direction and
try and press your belly button towards the ceiling. Your hips must rock
backwards this time. Hold for a count of ten.
Try these stretches on a regular basis and see how much better your back
and shoulders will feel.
Would you like to reduce stress and improve your bone health but
don't know where to start? I provide an easy to follow program called
Be Bone Strong! that helps improve your bone health, posture, balance
and strength while reducing fracture risk. Contact me anytime for a
no cost consultation at 703-628-2880 or email to
The Skinny on Fats and Oils
by Woody McMahon
Your Body Needs Essential Fats
Have you ever wondered what dry eyes, aching joints and dry skin all
have in common? These are all symptoms of your body being low on fats
and oils. Fats and oils are both essential for good health. They are the building
blocks for many hormones; make-up an important part of the outer layer that
covers the cells of your body; reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure and
strengthen your immune system. Balancing and choosing the right kind of
fats can be a little tricky. Also getting enough essential fats from your
diet alone can sometimes be difficult.
Why Low Fat Diets Aren't Healthy
A low fat diet is not a sensible way to eat especially when it comes to
better health. Low fat foods have been shown to actually rob you of
essential fats and oils making it harder to lose weight and keep yourself
healthy. In many low fat foods, sugar is substituted instead of fat to
improve texture and taste. Being on a low fat diet will tend to make you
overeat. Fat is important in triggering your body's "full sensors" helping
you stop eating more food than you really need. Long term low fat diets
have been shown to create health problems of their own like constant hunger
and dryness of your hair, nails and skin.
The History of Low Fat
In the early 1980's obesity and heart disease were on the rise (they still
are). The original theory was to reduce total calories by cutting out all
fats because fats have the highest calorie density (calories per amount) at
9 calories per gram as compared to 4 calories per gram for proteins and
carbohydrates. Most nutritional authorities were substituting carbohydrates
for fats, having you eat as much as 80% carbohydrates. This was the time
when everybody in the country had a rice cake in their hands. All fats
became the "bad guys" because they were incorrectly seen as the precursor
to high cholesterol and heart disease.
A Better Way
One of the foremost authorities on fats and oils is Udo Erasmus, PhD. His
information is cutting edge and his book, Fats That Heal Fats That Kill, is
one of the best at explaining how to develop and maintain a healthy fat
balance for optimum health. He clearly explains why not all fat is bad and
why there is a need for essential fats to curb hunger, promote healthy
skin, hair and nails and maintain proper hormone function. His book can
help you better understand the health benefits of fats and oils in a
balanced diet. Here are some of Udo Erasmus's "quick facts" taken from his
book on the use of fats and oils:
1. You need a 2:1 ratio in your diet of essential fatty acids (EFAs).
EFA's come from fats and oils and are major nutrients. One is (LNA)
alpha-linolenic acid (Omega 3) and the other is (LA) linoleic acid (Omega
6). Both are easily destroyed by light, air, and heat. This is why they
become toxic when heated and should not be used for frying.
2. Good sources of Omega 3's are flaxseeds and green leafy vegetables.
The Omega 3's are also found in high fat, cold water fish such as albacore
tuna, sardines, Atlantic halibut, Coho, pink and king salmon, Pacific and
Atlantic herring, Atlantic mackerel, and lake trout as well as oysters and
other shellfish.
3. Good sources of Omega 6's are found in sesame and sunflower seeds and
other seeds and nuts. Land animal meats and fish are sources of the Omega
6's. The fish listed in #2 are the preferred sources of omega 3's and omega
6's because they are both the richest sources and contain balanced amounts
of both of the omegas.
4. Almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts are highly nutritious snacks associated
with longevity. To ensure an adequate intake of Omega 3's, good plant
sources should be included in the daily diet including green leafy
vegetables, seeds, whole grains, beans and nuts.
5. Extra virgin olive oil, while not damaged by processing, is a poor
source of essential fats. Extra virgin olive oil should not be used for
frying because it is extensively damaged. Adding the oil to foods after
they come off the heat is the best choice.
Try these healthy lifestyle changes for 30 days. Feel what it is like to be
a part of the health solution rather than a health burden. If you need
additional suggestions and advice on living a healthier lifestyle, email or
call me for a no cost consultation, at 703-628-2880 or email to
Osteoporosis Support News
Posture Perfect! at St. Thomas a' Becket in Reston!
The Northern Virginia Osteoporosis Resource Center is scheduled to
open sometime early this September. It will be one the first of its kind
offering BoneSafeTM clinics, Personal Training, Yoga, Tai Chi classes and
consultations for people with osteoporosis, osteopenia and other
bone health problems.
You can read more about The NV Osteoporosis Resource Center at: resource center
We just started another Posture Perfect! class at St. Thomas a' Becket.
More classes are forming soon so please call Woody McMahon at
703-628-2880 or email to for more
information, class times and reservations.
Pets and People
Heat Stroke in Pets
By Julio Lopez, DVM
While Heatstroke causes a severe rise in your pet's body temperature and
occurs due to elevated temperatures in the environment or from performance
of strenuous activity. Unfortunately the summer time allows for a combination
of the two and an increase in the cases of heatstroke. It can happen as
quickly as 30 minutes and is worse in places with increases in humidity,
especially if there is no access to shade or breaks to rest and cool down.
Dogs cool off mostly by panting as air contacts the mucous membranes of
the upper airways and allow evaporative cooling to occur. With high
humidity, the evaporative cooling mechanism is not as effective. Short
nosed breeds such as Bull Dogs that suffer from brachiocephalic syndrome
(partially opened nares or long soft palates among other things) or dogs
suffering from other upper airway problems (such as collapsing tracheas or
laryngeal paralysis) are at greater risk for developing heat stroke as
their main cooling mechanism is not in top shape.
Signs of heat stroke can include excessive panting, collapse, seizures,
excessive salivation, vomiting, and diarrhea and occur after exercising on
a hot day or being left in a car even if the windows are cracked. Permanent
and life-threatening damage to organs such as the kidneys, liver,
intestines and brain can occur if not treated immediately.
If you suspect your pet is suffering from heat stroke move them into a
shaded area, wet them down with COOL water and call your veterinarian
immediately to let them know you are on your way. Using COLD water will
only make things worse as the outer blood vessels which are helping to cool
your pet down will close off. Fans or air conditioning will also help with
Your veterinarian may need to obtain baseline blood work to evaluate for
organ damage, place an IV catheter and administer fluids and other
medications as well as hospitalize and monitor your pet. OVERCOOLING can be
more harmful than helpful and this is why it is recommended to start the
cooling process and go to your veterinarian immediately for careful
monitoring and adjustment to treatments as necessary. Studies reveal that
pets that present to their veterinarian soon after are more likely to
survive than animals seen later. Pets that survive the first 24-48 hours of
hospitalization generally do well.
I have seen cases of heatstroke in dogs left in a car WITH THE WINDOWS
OPEN for only a couple of minutes, dogs going about their usual outside
play on a hotter than normal day and dogs taken on long runs and hikes.
Be safe this summer and remember that if you are enjoying a nice day out
with your pets to allow rest breaks, access to shaded areas, plenty of
water and know when to stop! If you have any concerns at all see your
veterinarian, it's always better (and cheaper) to be on the safe side!
Dr. Julio Lopez practices at the world renowned California Animal Hospital
Veterinary Specialty Group in West Los Angeles. He is a graduate of the
College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.
(c) Ingrid King 2011
Ingrid King is a former veterinary hospital manager turned writer. She is
the author of Buckley's Story - Lessons from a Feline Master Teacher. Her
online magazine News for You and Your Pet goes out to subscribers around
the world. Her blog, The Conscious Cat, has been called "educational cat
nip for the cat lover" and is a comprehensive resource for conscious
living, health and happiness for pets and their people. For more
information about Ingrid, please visit
Marodyne LIV Tablet Update
Sara and I are just about ready to start recording our 24 Podcasts
for the LIVe Again! Podcast series. For your education, this
series will come FREE with every LIV Tablet. This is a great bone
health audio series that really helps to simplify, demystify and
make your bone health program much easier.
LIVe Again! is a complete, effective and easy to follow healthy
lifestyle program designed to take the guesswork and worry out
of improving the health of your bones.
Each Marodyne LIV Tablet will come with the 24 Podcasts that
you can listen to while using your tablet. The information provided
is a powerful bone health program that you can follow with
There will also be additional information on the
website to help you create the best and most complete bone
health program possible. I will be testing and collecting data on
the Marodyne in my office. I will also be supporting a colleague of
mine who is selling the LIV Tablet by offering a free bone health
consultation to anyone who buys the device from him.
Stay tuned for more updates. Feel free to email us with your
questions at
Continued Good Health,
Woody McMahon
The Sequoia Advisor
Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
483A Carlisle Drive
Herndon, VA
Required Disclaimer: The material provided herein should not be construed
as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed
health-care advice or instruction. The material is provided with the
understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine
or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care
practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. The publisher does not
advise or recommend to its readers treatment or action with regard to
matters relating to their health or well-being other than suggesting that
readers consult appropriate health-care professionals in such matters. No
action should be taken based solely on the content of this publication. The
material and opinions provided herein are believed to be accurate and sound
at the time of publication, based on the best judgment available to the
authors. However, readers who rely on material in this publication to
replace the advice of health-care professionals, or who fail to consult
with health-care professionals, assume all risks of such conduct. The
publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 by Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
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