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As far as feedback on the Posture Perfect!TM class goes, it has not only met my expectations, but exceeded them! There are several reasons I enjoy the class...
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The Sequoia Advisor
IN THIS ISSUE July 15th 2013
- You Too Can Age Gracefully
- Protein is Not Just for Muscles
- Upcoming Events... Monday July 22nd Posture Perfect!TM in Arlington
- Osteoporosis Support News... Yoga Nidra and Safe Senior Yoga
- Posture Perfect!TM Give Us a Try... First Class FREE
Feel Better... Live Better
You Too Can Age Gracefully
By Woody McMahon
It is a Gift to Get Older
Each and every day you get a little older and for some people that is a
terrifying thought indeed. But aging is not really the problem; it is how
you age that is the real issue. I suggest that it is an honor to get older.
If you don't see it that way; maybe we need to talk.
By age 65, many people start looking, acting and sounding much older
than they really are. Their health problems are mounting, the waistline
is getting larger and the litany of moans and groans far surpasses
the positive talk about vacations and plans for the future.
Aging Gracefully is About Attitude
Feeling good as you get older is all about attitude. If you adopt a positive
attitude about your age, you will have more fun and experience less pain.
Graceful aging is also a result of adopting a personalized lifestyle program
that will support good health, independence and help you live the life you
want. Is this possible? You bet! Can you affect the way your genes work?
Yes you can! When should you start? Right NOW! How do you do it?
Read on!
What Identical Twins Can Tell Us
Once upon a time science thought that your genes could both determine
and predict your future health or illness. The study of identical twins has
led science to a better understanding of how the same genes can create
very different health and disease patterns. If the notion is true that genes
control your health, then all identical twins should have the exact same
health patterns; but they don't. Why not? Because their lifestyles were
very different.
Your Lifestyle Controls Your Genes
What does this all mean? It means through the power of your lifestyle, you
can change how your genes work. It also means that just because your
parents had a particular health problem, does not make it inevitable that
you will too. Even if you have the exact same genes as your parents,
(which you don't) you need not experience any of their health problems.
The secret is to first modify your lifestyle, which in turn, begins to
change the expression of the genes improving your health and quality
of life.
Where Do I Start?
So now you know that you have the power to change your genetic
expression for the better, where do you start? Here are my three best
suggestions that can help your genes express themselves to the fullest.
Start an Easy to Follow Exercise Program
Your body was made to move; not all but certainly some of the time.
Getting oxygen to your tissues is the key here. The lack of oxygen in
your tissues and cells makes it hard for your body to grow and repair. All
the major illnesses are associated with an impairment of oxygen delivery to
the tissues. Regular exercise is the best way to get oxygen to all parts of
your body.
For best results, your exercise program will include balance activities,
postural exercises and strength challenges. My Posture Perfect!TM program
is a simple and easy way to begin a regular exercise program. Walking,
functional weight training and participating in other fun activities will
also ensure that your body can live and grow effectively.
Eat Well But Avoid Being Obsessive
Your body has the capacity to adapt to many different environmental
situations. So it is not necessary to scrutinize every single food, vitamin
or liquid that goes in your mouth. Yes, food needs to provide a certain level
of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Yes, eating balanced, healthy meals is
a plus. Yes, food is meant to be enjoyed in reasonable quantities. But
many people go overboard when it comes to their food selection.
To keep food from becoming obsessive, avoid placing too much emphasis on
whether food is organic or not; don't worry about eating "junk food" or food
out of cans and realize that there are no "bad" or "good" foods. Only better
or poorer food combinations and portions. Listen to your body and it will tell
you what it does and doesn't like. You will be a lot better off by walking the
middle of the road.
Shift From Negative to Positive Thinking
The identical twins that adopted the most positive outlook on their world
had the best health. Negativity is very stressful on your body. Stress and
negativity prevent your genes from working properly. Your mental attitude
directly affects your genes and changes their expression.
Your body will respond favorably by giving your mental attitude a positive
shift. Try tossing out the old thoughts of "I am too old; my mother
had it so I will; I don't have enough time or I will never get well." Instead,
usher in a new, more positive outlook and healthier system of thought.
Your body will thank you for it.
A great goal to shoot for is three hours a week of physical and mental activity.
Remember, you can feel better at any age, any conditioning level or health
status. All you need to do is give your body and mind a little help and watch
them do what they do best; keep you feeling good and enjoying life.
Would you like to reduce stress and improve your bone health but
don't know where to start? I provide an easy to follow program called
Be Bone Strong! that helps improve your bone health, posture, balance
and strength while reducing fracture risk. Contact me anytime for a
no cost consultation at 703-628-2880 or email to
Protein is Not Just for Muscles
by Woody McMahon
The Importance of Protein
If you are having trouble with your bones, weight or any other health
condition, one of the difficulties may be a lack of complete protein. As
you get older, many health conditions can be tied to a lack of good quality
protein. Weight gain is usually caused by stress overeating of simple
carbohydrates that are very low in protein. The typical American breakfast
of coffee, toast, bagel, doughnut or cereal can add to the problem because it
contains minimal amounts of protein. If you avoid drinking milk or eating
eggs for breakfast, your protein deficiency can be magnified even further.
How Your Body Uses Protein
Protein foods are digested in the stomach and broken down into smaller
units called amino acids. Your body then uses the amino acids to build new
tissues as well as repair old ones. Some of the amino acids are converted
into hormones such as adrenalin and insulin. If excess protein is consumed
then it is either used as energy or stored as fat. Excess protein intake
(like the Atkins diet) is very stressful on your body and can cause
dehydration and potential kidney stress.
Protein as the Builder
Protein is one of the major structural building blocks of the body. It can
be found in many different areas including the bone, brain, skeletal
muscles, red blood cells, skin, hair and nails, the heart and blood vessels
and other major organs. Scientists estimate that about 50% of the human
body's dry weight is made up of protein. Getting the correct balance of
protein is essential for a healthy heart, stronger bones, more powerful
muscles and an efficient and balanced immune system.
Protein Increases Bone Strength
Protein is the essential building block for the bone matrix and stronger
bones. You already know about the importance of calcium but the matrix is
the place where calcium goes to be stored. A lack of matrix means less
places to store calcium resulting in weaker bones that are more susceptible
to fracture. Calcium by itself cannot make bones stronger. It takes
adequate and high quality protein to build the matrix and keep bones
fracture free.
Muscles Need Protein
Muscles need protein to repair themselves after weight training or any other
strenuous exercise. New muscle tissue is formed from the amino acids that
are created by the digestion of dietary protein. Together exercise and high
quality protein can combine to help repair damaged muscle tissue as well as
build new muscle while slowing the muscle loss associated with aging.
Good Protein Sources
Getting the correct amount and type of protein is important for good
health. Both too little and too much protein can have unwanted health
consequences. Trying to include foods that contain complete sources of
protein at every meal helps ensure an adequate supply of amino acids. A
complete protein is one that contains all 9 essential amino acids.
Essential amino acids are ones that the body "can't live without." Some of
the best sources of protein can be found in the meat group: fish, chicken,
beef, lamb and pork; the dairy group: milk, eggs, plain yogurt and cheese;
the plant group: beans and lentils and the nut group: nuts and seeds.
Strenuous Exercise Doesn't Mean You Need Extra Protein
Contrary to popular belief, people who exercise vigorously or are trying
to put on muscle mass don't need to consume extra protein. Studies show
that weight-trainers who don't eat extra protein (either in food or protein
powders) still gain muscle at the same rate as those who supplement
their diets with protein. A very high protein diet can strain the kidneys
and liver prompting an excessive loss of the mineral calcium and
Calculating Your Protein Amount
The amount of protein you need in your diet depends on your weight, age,
activity levels and health.
To see a more accurate guide to your daily protein needs, use this simple
protein calculator:
Try these healthy lifestyle changes for 30 days. Feel what it is like to be
a part of the health solution rather than a health burden. If you need
additional suggestions and advice on living a healthier lifestyle, email or
call me for a no cost consultation, at 703-628-2880 or email to
Upcoming Events and News
Monday July 22nd Posture Perfect!TM Classes Start in Arlington
Our first Posture Perfect!TM class starts in Arlington on Monday July 22nd
at 12 noon. The one hour class will be a FREE demo allowing everybody
an opportunity to give the class a try. To register please contact
Woody McMahon at 703-628-2880 or email to
The address is:
The Rock Spring Congregational Church
5010 Little Falls Road
Arlington, Virginia 22207
Please wear comfortable clothes and bring a towel, a bottle of water
and an exercise mat if you have one.
I look forward to seeing all of you on Monday July 22nd.
Rock Spring Congregational Church currently offers a Yoga and Tai Chi
class at their church. Posture Perfect!TM will be a nice addition to those
two offerings.
Posture Perfect!TM for Spinomed Program
I have created a new companion back strengthening exercise program to
help anyone wearing the Spinomed orthosis. The classes include helpful tips
on getting the most from your Spinomed as well as exercise instruction that
helps strengthen your back, improves your posture and increases your balance.
Click Here to learn more about this exciting program.
Posture Perfect!TM First Class FREE
Instead of holding a monthly Posture Perfect!TM demo class, several
people have aasked if thy can just come to one of the classes. For a
limited time, you can try your first Posture Perfect!TM class for free.
so please call Woody McMahon at 703.628.2880 or email to for more information or to make
your reservation.
The FREE Posture Perfect!TM class helps introduce you to the many
benefits of our safe and effective posture, balance and strength program
co-developed by Sara Meeks, PT and Woody McMahon, personal trainer.
Come and experience how each class can help strengthen your bones,
improve your balance, alleviate back aches and neck pains, improve
osteoporosis and teach you how to sit and stand-up straighter.
The History of Posture Perfect!TM
When I developed the Posture Perfect!TM classes over 2 years ago, there
were no safe and effective exercise programs available for "over age 50" adults.
Everywhere I looked there were older adults in classes that used seated
exercises (bad for your back); machine style exercises (bad for your balance)
treadmills (a poor leg strengthener); and performed movements that
involved crunching, bending and twisting. (increases the risk of spinal
Posture Perfect!TM solved all of these problems by offering a safe and effective
approach helping older adults become more active. Each class improves your
posture, strengthens your bones, enhances your balance, alleviates back
aches and neck pains, reduces fracture risk and teaches you how to sit
and stand-up straighter.
We have several people in our current classes who are coming to strengthen
their bones and over half of the others are interested in exercises and posture
changes to help make their backs and necks feel better.
Please call Woody McMahon at 703-628-2880 or email to for more information, class times and reservations.
Posture Perfect!TM Testimonials...
Posture Perfect's! momentum continues to grow. Here is a glowing testimonial
from one of our class members.
"Posture Perfect!TM class has not only met my expectations, but exceeded
them! There are several reasons I enjoy the class. The small class size
gives each of us extraordinary personalized training; your knowledge,
expertise, patience, and sense of humor makes me look forward to
coming to a class I thought would be only for 6 weeks; and I have
learned so much more than I expected."
"For example, I now think about my posture every time I sit, and just when
I thought I'd begin to have a hard time rising from sitting on the floor, you
taught me how to make it easier. I try to practice some of the balance
exercises a couple of times a week (I know, I should do it more often!).
I thank you for all I have learned from you so far, and hope to continue
this class for the foreseeable future!"
Click Here to read more about S.A.F.E. and effective Posture Perfect!TM
Continued Good Health,
Woody McMahon
The Sequoia Advisor
Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
483A Carlisle Drive
Herndon, VA
Required Disclaimer: The material provided herein should not be construed
as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed
health-care advice or instruction. The material is provided with the
understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine
or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care
practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. The publisher does not
advise or recommend to its readers treatment or action with regard to
matters relating to their health or well-being other than suggesting that
readers consult appropriate health-care professionals in such matters. No
action should be taken based solely on the content of this publication. The
material and opinions provided herein are believed to be accurate and sound
at the time of publication, based on the best judgment available to the
authors. However, readers who rely on material in this publication to
replace the advice of health-care professionals, or who fail to consult
with health-care professionals, assume all risks of such conduct. The
publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.
Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
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