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The Sequoia Advisor

Your Health and Fitness News

In This Issue...                                                      December 09, 2005 

  • Sequoia's NEW Healthy Weight Loss Program

  • Breaking the Weight Loss Myths Quiz

  • Diets Just Don't Work

  • Having More Fun with Your Cardio  

Healthy Weight Loss Produces Lasting Benefits

Weight loss is always a hot topic especially this time of year. In the sea of weight loss information there are many conflicting "expert opinions." If you decide to embark upon a weight loss program, be careful who you believe. Here are two good examples of the weight loss confusion I read every day.

The first is a recent article in Newsweek magazine, entitled Weighty Matters by Barbara Kantrowitz and Pat Wingert. This article, like so many others, is a perfect example of the unhealthy, one sided view of weight loss purported by so many. It is an unbalanced view that, if followed, robs rather than increases your good health. The Newsweek authors only present half the story when they exclusively focus on the physical causes of weight gain and omit the critically important mental and emotional sides of the problem. These authors fail to mention that unless all the causes of weight gain are addressed, mental, emotional and physical; achieving successful healthy weight loss is virtually impossible.

Personal experience with clients has shown that excess weight is really a symptom of other bigger problems. Successfully losing and maintaining a healthy weight are the direct result of working towards a healthy body and mind and letting the weight take care of itself Reducing stress patterns, eating healthier meals and getting more physically active are much more effective ways to feeling and looking your best. Losing weight in and of itself adds nothing to your happiness or self esteem. Please don't get me wrong; maintaining a healthy weight is very important to your overall good health. However, I don't see the point in making weight loss your life long hobby. What is your healthy weight? What is the safest way for you to lose weight? How are you going to keep it off once it's gone? These are all important questions that need answering before you embark on such a project.

Confusion on Healthy Weight

The second is an Study: Government Overstated Danger of Obesity by Carla K. Johnson, writer for the Associated Press. This article highlights the confusion and lack of agreement surrounding the impact your weight has on your total health. Here is an excerpt. "Packing on the pounds is not nearly as deadly as the government thought, according to a new calculation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that found people who are modestly overweight actually have a lower risk of death than those of normal weight. The CDC reported that obesity accounts for 25,814 deaths a year in the United States. As recently as January, the Center for Disease Control came up with an estimate 14 times higher: 365,000 deaths."

The ABC News article is another good example because it highlights the lack of consensus on what is truly a healthy weight. This article goes on to say "new analysis found that obesity, being extremely overweight, is indisputably lethal. But like several recent smaller studies, it found that people who are modestly overweight have a lower risk of death than those of normal weight." So even at the CDC we have confusion as to what is your healthy vs. unhealthy weight.

Sadly, most people are taking a disconnected approach to their weigh loss and it's borne out in the US Government health statistics. These statistics show that instead of Americans getting smaller every year, they are actually getting bigger. If the "physical only" approach works, why don't we see a reduction rather than an increase in obesity rates every year? Einstein said it best, "Expecting a different result by trying to solve a problem the same way is the definition of insanity."  

After reading literally hundreds of articles like these; I find most authors reluctant to explore the emotional side of weight loss. When a client comes to me wanting to lose weight, we talk about the causes behind their excess weight; high stress living, poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. We also talk about their weight being a symptom rather than a cause. Once their activity levels go up, eating habits improve and stress levels go down... voile'...their weight is no longer an issue.

At Sequoia, we offer a fresh approach to losing weight; we call it
Fresh Start. Our program addresses the physical and emotional sides of weight gain. Our personal approach energizes you with cooking classes, personal fitness training, cutting edge weight loss supplements and effective stress reduction techniques... all the tools you need to feel and look your best! Challenge yourself to get off the weight loss bandwagon. Click on and check out our balanced and integrative approach to losing weight.

Weight Loss Myths... Don't be fooled
Test your Healthy Weight Loss Knowledge...   

Challenge yourself and take our short Healthy Weight Loss Quiz. Send us your answers to and we'll send your score along with a FREE Healthy Weight Loss Report.  

Healthy Weight Loss Quiz  (Answer T or F)

1)    Lose 30 pounds in 30 days.               

2)    Fat is bad for you.                               

3)    Carbohydrates are bad for you.       

4)    Lose weight by not eating.                                                    

5)    Don't eat after 6 p.m.                       

6)    Salad bars are healthy.                     

7)    Diet sodas aid weight loss.               

8)    You shouldn't step on a scale.         

9)    You can lose weight with a pill.         

10)  You have to join the gym.                 

Diets Just Don't Work

Let's cut to the chase-diets just don't work !!!  You can spend an entire lifetime dieting with no appreciable benefit at the end of each cycle. First you lose 10 to 15 pounds and then you gain it all back plus more. Secondly with each failed attempt you lose confidence in yourself eroding your self-esteem and happiness. Finally you return for another round of "diet therapy" continuing the endless cycle. Dieting is like being on a treadmill. With Fresh Start, you can get off the dieting treadmill and start improving your health and fitness today. Dieting takes a lot of hard work and when all is said and done you haven't accomplished much. Adopting Fresh Start empowers you to feel younger, look better and live longer. It is your path to increased strength, vitality and good health.

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Having More Fun with Your Cardio

Looking for ways to make health and fitness a family affair? Do you wish you could boost quality time and get some much needed exercise as well? The motto at Sequoia is the family that plays together stays together. Last year the Surgeon General recommended the equivalent of two to three hours of cardiovascular exercise a week for all members of the family. Recent medical studies suggest that two to three hours a week ensures a healthy heart and lungs while reducing stress and maintaining a healthy weight. Everybody agrees on two things; how important and how boring cardiovascular exercise can be. Standing on those treadmills walking, walking, walking and going nowhere fast. It's important to have a healthy heart but if you can't have fun you just won't get it done. Rethinking the traditional approach to cardiovascular fitness has brought us to the solution. 

Introducing Cardio-FUN-Time.

  •     Fun because you challenge yourselves, your friends or neighbors to a fun game of indoor soccer, wallyball or pickle ball
  •     Efficient because the whole family improves their cardiovascular fitness together. This way, Mom and Dad don't have to "take turns" 
  •     Healthy because you reduce stress, lower cholesterol, increase bone density and strengthen the heart and lungs
  •     Physical because you improve balance, body control, eye hand coordination and sportsmanship

Cardio- FUN-Time is great for your whole family. Playing together is quality time well spent. Scheduling a weekly Wallyball, Mysteryball, TotalTennis or indoor soccer time is also a fun way to commit to feeling better and improving your health as a family. Compared to getting your cardio on a treadmill or stationary bike, Cardio-FUN-Time saves time and benefits your body more. Your kids love to play, have fun and stay active and so should you. They love to compete with their parents and see them act like kids again. What a great chance to reverse rolls; let your kids see the kid in you while the whole family has a great time. Team play also builds strong interfamily communication skills. When the family plays as a team kids and parents learn to support one another. We have several choices of cardio based games your family will love to play against each other or other families. Click on for more details.

Request Your FREE Family Pass  - Come meet the staff at Sequoia and try out Cardio-FUN-Time with your loved ones.  

We put the Fun back in FUNctional Activity!

News From Sequoia Health and Fitness, inc.

Fresh Start is a revolutionary way of helping you achieve strength, vitality and good health in less time and with less effort. Unlike other approaches The Sequoia System improves both your mental and physical fitness making positive healthy lifestyle changes complete and permanent. The Sequoia System benefits you in four important ways. You receive: - A Healthy Life Plan that is a step by step road map to achieving the changes you've always hoped for on your journey to better health - A balanced and integrated approach to your health and fitness activities including physical activity that is fun; nutrition that optimally fuels your body; and stress reduction techniques that produce greater results in less time - A supportive health and fitness team available 24/7 guaranteeing your success by offering individualized programs, personal attention and motivation - A cutting edge health and fitness information service provided by experts in their fields helping you apply the latest scientific health and fitness breakthroughs to your program.     

Read more 

Woody McMahon has been working in the health and fitness profession for over 20 years. Before starting his career Woody earned his Bachelor of Science degree in human biology from the University of Maryland, his Doctorate in chiropractic medicine from Palmer College of Chiropractic and is certified as a personal trainer through the National Strength Professionals Association. Woody's unique integrative approach to health and fitness...combining fitness, nutrition and stress reduction activities allows him to help many people that are considered beyond help.

Continued Good Health,

Woody McMahon 
Sequoia Health and Fitness

Don't forget to Request Your FREE Family Pass  - Come meet the staff at Sequoia and try out Cardio-FUN-Time with your loved ones.  

       We put the Fun back in FUNctional Activity. 

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    A mindful and holistic approach to Fall Prevention, Balance, Full Body Functional Strengthening and Posture Exercises for All Ages! Our Science-Based Exercises are Safe and Appropriate for Your Ability. Our Exercises Help Improve Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Fear of Falling, Balance and Strength Problems. Reston, Great Falls, Herndon, Middleburg, Arlington Sterling and Northern Virginia.

    483A Carlisle Drive
    Herndon, VA 20170

    300 West Washington Street
    Middleburg, VA 20118
