In This Issue... May 17, 2006
- Sign-up for The Sequoia Advisor...It's Free
- Meditation...The Pause That Refreshes
- What Should I Do to Get Ready For the
Bird Flu
- The Recipe Corner...NEW on the
FREE STUFF page of our Website
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Meditation...The Pause That Refreshes
You live in a fast-paced society, running from here to there and everywhere in between. Prolonged "rat racing" causes cortisol, a stress hormone, to build-up in the body and change the way your immune, cardiovascular and digestive systems work. Here are some of the telltale signs of cortisol build-up; having trouble losing or maintaining a healthy weight; tiredness and lack of energy; high blood pressure and frequent colds, flu or other chronic illnesses. Meditation is a little used tool that quiets your mind, reduces cortisol levels, improves how you look and feel while increasing your health.
In an article by Ed Yeates of KSL News and Radio in Salt Lake City, UT called Studies Showing Meditation Helps Stress, he says "Research groups apparently agree, coming on board with studies funded by the National Institutes of Health, The American Journals of Hypertension and Cardiology, The Journal - Stroke, The New England Journal of Medicine - all publishing studies. The most recent by The American Heart Association shows heart and artery health improved 69 percent in test groups trained to practice a consistent technique for meditation."
Click here >> to read more about the health benefits of Meditation
Solution...Start meditating on a daily basis. Meditation is a great way to calm your mind, reduce stress, lower blood pressure and help prevent unhealthy weight gain. Meditation is a pleasant and easy way to start the day. To begin, find a quiet spot, sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the ground. Close your eyes and allow your mind to calm and slow down. The sensation of "drifting" is a good indicator of relaxation. If you have trouble, concentrate on a candle flame or your breath as a way to center your attention.
Having trouble starting your meditation program? I have been practicing meditation for 15 years and would love to help you get started. Most people can begin to successfully meditate in as little as three to four 30 minute sessions.
Please give me a call at 703-464-5171 or email me at to schedule a personalized instruction session.
Remember... A balanced lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle!
What Should I Do to Get Ready for
The Bird Flu
The big talk these days is what to do about the bird flu, also known as the avian flu. The bird flu is a strain of Influenza Type A that affects both wild and domestic birds. It is similar but different than the strains that affect humans during the
"flu season." According to the Center for Disease Control "Symptoms of avian influenza in humans have ranged from typical human influenza-like symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, sore throat, and muscle aches) to eye infections, pneumonia, severe respiratory diseases (such as acute respiratory distress), and other severe and life-threatening complications."
The CDC goes on to say "Most cases of avian influenza infection in humans have resulted from contact with infected poultry (e.g., domesticated chicken, ducks, and turkeys) or surfaces contaminated with secretion/excretions from infected birds. The spread of avian influenza viruses from one ill person to another has been reported very rarely, and transmission has not been observed to continue beyond one person."
Solution...the best offense for bird flu is going to be a good defense. Do not rely on vaccines or fancy solutions that come out of a bottle; trust me on this one. Allow your immune system to work the way it was designed by controlling both mental and physical stress. You?ve heard me say it a hundred different times, a hundred different ways. The best way to strengthen your immune system and prevent illness of any kind is to live a balanced lifestyle. That means:
1. Keep Your Stress Levels Low and Make Sure You're Having Fun
2. Get Regular Physical Activity That You Find Enjoyable
3. Eat a Wide Variety of Healthy Foods and Take Vitamins and Minerals When Appropriate
Even though it seems obvious, it always comes back to the same strategy. Have fun, eat right and stay physically active. Simple and effective.
Here is a fun little quiz. When they report about bird flu they say it has the potential to be our next pandemic. What does pandemic mean?
Click here for the answer.
The Recipe Corner
Click on our new recipes section compliments of Michele Powers of NutrientChef.
News From Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
Fresh Start is a revolutionary way of helping you achieve strength, vitality and good health in less time and with less effort. Unlike other approaches The Sequoia System improves both your mental and physical fitness making positive healthy lifestyle changes complete and permanent. The Sequoia System benefits you in four important ways. You receive: - A Healthy Life Plan that is a step by step road map to achieving the changes you?ve always hoped for on your journey to better health - A balanced and integrated approach to your health and fitness activities including physical activity that is fun; nutrition that optimally fuels your body; and stress reduction techniques that produce greater results in less time - A supportive health and fitness team available 24/7 guaranteeing your success by offering individualized programs, personal attention and motivation - A cutting edge health and fitness information service provided by experts in their fields helping you apply the latest scientific health and fitness breakthroughs to your program.
Read more>>
Woody McMahon has been working in the health and fitness profession for over 20 years. Before starting his career Woody earned his Bachelor of Science degree in human biology from the University of Maryland, his Doctorate in Chiropractic Medicine from Palmer College of Chiropractic and is certified as a personal trainer through the National Strength Professionals Association. Woody's unique integrative approach to health and fitness -combining fun physical activity, healthy eating and relaxation and stress reduction activities allows him to assist many people that are considered beyond help.
Continued Good Health,
Woody McMahon
The Sequoia Advisor
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Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
483A Carlisle Dive
Herndon, VA 20170
Required Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be construed as a healthcare diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed healthcare advice or instruction. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other healthcare profession and does not enter into a healthcare practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. The publisher does not advise or recommend to its readers treatment or action with regard to matters relating to their health or well-being other than suggesting that readers consult appropriate health-care professionals in such matters. No action should be taken based solely on the content of this publication. The information and opinions provided herein are believed to be accurate and sound at the time of publication, based on the best judgment available to the authors. However, readers who rely on information in this publication to replace the advice of healthcare professionals, or who fail to consult with healthcare professionals, assume all risks of such conduct. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.
Copyright (c) 2006 by Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc. 483A Carlisle Drive, Herndon, VA 20170 All rights reserved. This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced, rewritten, distributed, re-disseminated, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, directly or indirectly, in any medium without the prior written permission of Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
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For information about Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc. please contact Woody McMahon: