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Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.

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All Are Welcome!
Senior Discounts

RestonPatch Features
Posture Perfect!TM

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What People Are Saying About
Our Classes and Programs


As far as feedback on the Posture Perfect!TM class goes, it has not only met my expectations, but exceeded them! There are several reasons I enjoy the class... 

More Testimonials>>>

Fitness is More FUN at Sequoia 


Want to have some fun with your friends?
You'll also be:

Improving Cardio Conditioning

Increasing Energy

Losing Unhealthy Weight

Increasing Balance, Flexibility and Strength


Sign-up below for one of Sequoia's 8 week Wallyball Training Programs

Wallyball Option 1  $99 per person 

        Play an hour a week with your friends  

Wallyball Option 2 $599 per person

       Healthy LifePlan (Personalized health and fitness program)

      Two small group personal training sessions per week

      Play an hour a week with your friends


Click here to receive a sample copy of our 8-week Wallyball Training Program.
(Option 2) 


To pre-register, complete the form below. Once we receive your registration, we'll immediately send you the 8-Week Wallyball Training Program outline and hold your spot in this limited program. We will contact you to arrange start-up dates and payment.
    A mindful and holistic approach to Fall Prevention, Balance, Full Body Functional Strengthening and Posture Exercises for All Ages! Our Science-Based Exercises are Safe and Appropriate for Your Ability. Our Exercises Help Improve Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Fear of Falling, Balance and Strength Problems. Reston, Great Falls, Herndon, Middleburg, Arlington Sterling and Northern Virginia.

    483A Carlisle Drive
    Herndon, VA 20170

    300 West Washington Street
    Middleburg, VA 20118
