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IN THIS ISSUE September 15, 2006
Drugs Not the Best Choice When Lowering Your Cholesterol
- Living to Be 100... Getting There is
Not What You May Think
- Whack-itTM Comes to Sequoia Health
Win a $25 Gift Certificate
- The Recipe Corner... Some Cool
Summer Recipes
- Seated Massage Sign-up for October 14th
Fundraiser Go to
Drugs Not the Best Choice When Lowering Your Cholesterol
"Got to lower my cholesterol" is the mantra of millions of people today. It may be your mantra as well. You, like millions of others, may have mistakenly turned to cholesterol lowering drugs as a first step to solving your cholesterol problem when in actuality, it should be your last. Using cholesterol lowering drugs may seem like the only viable option either because it was presented to you by your doctor or maybe you saw a pill as an easier solution in the long run. Either way, this article should help you reconsider your strategy and look for safer ways to reduce cholesterol and regain your health.
The risks far outweigh the rewards for your long term health when using cholesterol lowering drugs. Take a moment and read the long list of complications associated with a cholesterol lowering drug like Lipitor. Does it seem more reasonable to first try a safer, more conservative and long-term more effective method than drugs? What causes high cholesterol in the first place?
Most drug ads emphasize that high cholesterol is either genetic or related to the foods you eat. Science has now shown that the high cholesterol foods you eat have very little effect on your cholesterol levels. So that leaves genetics, which is kind of hard to change right now. But very little emphasis is placed on the excess weight you're carrying... does that effect your cholesterol levels? Not getting any physical activity... does that have an affect on beneficial cholesterol? Feeling stressed out or tired and rushed all the time... how does excess cortisol effect your cholesterol and your body? The answer to all of these questions is YES; they all have a large and important effect.
A little known fact: 50% of the people who die of a heart attack have normal or low cholesterol levels.
Dean Ornish, MD, a well respected expert in heart disease and cholesterol management, writes in his article Drugs Aren't the Only Option, "Most doctors believe that taking a pill is easy, but changing a lifestyle is really difficult, if not impossible. It turns out that the conventional wisdom is wrong--two thirds of patients who are prescribed statin drugs are not taking them just 12 months later, according to a 2002 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Why? Because they don't make you feel better."
Dr. Ornish goes on to say, "In contrast, people are often able to make and maintain significant changes in diet and lifestyle because they feel so much better so quickly: sustained weight loss, improved sexual function, increased energy, decreased blood pressure, dramatic reductions in angina (chest pains) and better control of diabetes--none of which results from cholesterol-lowering drugs. For many people, these are choices worth making--not only to live longer, but also to feel better."
High stress living, poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle can all contribute to high cholesterol numbers. The best health solutions are regular physical activity, healthy eating and stress reduction. These solutions will have a dramatic, long term effect on cholesterol levels and improve your total health as well. Heart disease has multiple causes so just taking a drug like Lipitor does not provide benefits to any of the other risk factors.
Lowering cholesterol alone is not going to get you out of the heart disease bind. Unless a heart attack or stroke is imminent, there is no need to push the panic button and rush to action. You have time to start modifying your lifestyle habits, improving your whole health and your cholesterol as well. Dr. Ornish offers 10 proven strategies for safely lowering cholesterol.
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Fresh Start is a superior alternative to reducing cholesterol without harmful drug therapy. You can safely lower your cholesterol 10 to 20% without the harmful side effects associated with prescription drugs. Offering a complete approach, Fresh Start introduces dietary changes, incorporates stress reduction activities and begins a moderate exercise program integrating all these activities into a Fun and easy to follow cholesterol reduction program. Fresh Start gives you all the tools necessary for increasing strength, vitality and good health.
Contact Woody McMahon at 703-628-2880 or email to learn more about giving yourself a Fresh Start or to schedule your free in-person or telephone consultation.
Living to Be 100... Getting There is Not What You May Think
After asking several people what they thought about living to be 100, I was quite surprised at the answers I received. Many people said they would not want to live to be that old. I thought, why is that? Don't they like their lives and want of a good thing? Unprompted, several people said they would not want to be in a nursing home, walk with a cane or walker and not be able to drive, hear or see. Clearly, the small sample of people I spoke with had a very troubling and distorted view of old age.
What about the people like my grandmother who was fully functional in all ways until she died at age 95? What about the story I found of 5 people over 100 all living together enjoying their lives? When asked, they could not understand why people wouldn't want to live to be 100. I wanted to get a clearer picture of how people who are 100, think, feel and act. Fortunately a recently released study helped make my job easier. During the researching of this article, I found some interesting stories worth sharing about people 100 or over:
Still vigorous at 100 years of age, Edward Rondthaler writes a weekly column for his local newspaper, walks a half-mile every morning and drives himself on errands around his hometown of Croton-on-Hudson , New York. Read More
Few folks get to reach the age of 100. Fewer still get to celebrate it with a busload of friends -- and with the Los Angeles Laker Girls. Winston retired this week after 75 years of cleaning and then supervising the maintenance of first, Los Angeles trolleys, and then buses. He never took one sick day and only missed one day of work -- when his wife passed away. Read More
So here is my summary on living to be 100. First and foremost, have purpose in your life, both professional as well as spiritual. It is very important to longevity. Second, know how to successfully manage stress. People who can't forgive and forget don't seem to make it to 100. Finally, live well and adopt healthy habits. Although there are many stories of centarians who drink and smoke excessively and still live to be 100. Generally however for most people, living to 100 included some kind of physical activity, good food and not smoking.
What did I learn form this research? Living to 100 is a lot about attitude. Too many of us believe that old age brings infirmity and that belief is just not true. We need to find meaning in our lives and stay both physically and mentally active. Then we can live to 100 and have a ball.
To learn more about living to 100 and loving every minute of it, please contact Woody McMahon at 703-628-2880 or email .
Whack-itTM Round Robin Comes to Sequoia Health Win a $25 Gift Certificate
Where: Sequoia Health - Herndon , Virginia What: Whack-itTM Round Robin When: Friday September 29th from 7 pm to 9 pm
Friday September 29th is our first official Whack-it Round Robin. It's a warm-up for our Whack-it tournament on October 14th to benefit The National Osteoporosis Foundation. If we get a good turn-out, we'll schedule at least two Friday's a month to play and have some FUN. The winning team receives a $25 gift certificate to Angelico's Pizza on Grant Street in Herndon.
Friday night's round robin will be team play (2 people per team) double elimination. Each team will have one male and one female team member. You can come as a team or I will create a team for you. The cost to enter will be $5 per person or $10 per team. Please make checks payable to The National Osteoporosis Foundation.
Come and join the FUN. Please invite your friends and neighbors. To pre-register or to learn more about Whack-it go to
Don't miss out on this one!!!
If you are interested please contact Woody McMahon at 703-628-2880 or email
Some Cool Summer Recipes Treats from Michele Powers, RD of NutrientChef.
Continued Good Health,
Woody Woody McMahon The Sequoia Advisor
Woody McMahon
Woody McMahon has been working in the health and fitness profession for over 20 years. Before starting his career Woody earned his Bachelor of Science degree in human biology from the University of Maryland , his Doctorate in Chiropractic Medicine from Palmer College of Chiropractic and is certified as a personal trainer through the National Strength Professionals Association. Woody's unique integrative approach to health and fitness - combining fun physical activity, healthy eating and relaxation and stress reduction activities allows him to help many people that are considered beyond help.
News From Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
Fresh Start is a revolutionary way of helping you achieve strength, vitality and good health in less time and with less effort. Unlike other approaches Fresh Start improves both your mental and physical fitness making positive healthy lifestyle changes complete and permanent. Fresh Start benefits you in four important ways. You receive: - A Healthy Life Plan that is a step by step road map to achieving the changes you've always hoped for on your journey to better health - A balanced and integrated approach to your health and fitness activities including physical activity that is fun; nutrition that optimally fuels your body; and stress reduction techniques that produce greater results in less time - A supportive health and fitness team available 24/7 guaranteeing your success by offering individualized programs, personal attention and motivation - A cutting edge health and fitness info rmation service provided by experts in their fields helping you apply the latest scientific health and fitness breakthroughs to your program.
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We put the Fun back in FUNctional Activity.
Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc. 483A Carlisle Dive Herndon , VA 20170
Required Disclaimer: The info rmation provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The info rmation is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. The publisher does not advise or recommend to its readers treatment or action with regard to matters relating to their health or well-being other than suggesting that readers consult appropriate health-care professionals in such matters. No action should be taken based solely on the content of this publication. The info rmation and opinions provided herein are believed to be accurate and sound at the time of publication, based on the best judgment available to the authors. However, readers who rely on info rmation in this publication to replace the advice of health-care professionals, or who fail to consult with health-care professionals, assume all risks of such conduct. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.
Copyright (c) 2006 by Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
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