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As far as feedback on the Posture Perfect!TM class goes, it has not only met my expectations, but exceeded them! There are several reasons I enjoy the class...
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The Sequoia Advisor
IN THIS ISSUE November 1st 2015
- Counting Calories is Very Old School!
- BOSU: Better Bone Strength, Balance and Heart Health
- Video... Sara Meeks, PT Talks About The LivMD Benefits
- Complimentary Falls Screening in November
- Posture Perfect!TM Try Your First Class for FREE!
Feel Better... Live Better
Counting Calories is Very Old School!
By Woody McMahon
Counting Calories
If you want to lose some weight, counting calories seems like a good idea; at least at first. However, over time counting calories becomes labor intensive and actually increases your stress leading to an increased preoccupation with food and weight gain. The first step to successfully losing weight is to reduce both stress and food's importance in your life.
Control Portions
For most people, excess weight results from stress eating and a lack of physical activity. Reaching a healthy weight and keeping it there first requires an understanding of proper portion size. If you eat out or on the run, you probably have noticed that food portions have become much larger. Some portions are even called "super size," letting you know in advance that a lot of food is headed your way. Once you can get portions under control, 70% of your weight loss challenge is over. Here are some pointers to help you eat smarter.
Food is Visual
Before taste and smell come into play, your food is first visual. Visualizing how much food you really need keeps your portions in the healthy size range. People that are overweight have what is called "Portion Distortion." First look at your meal; if it seems like a lot of food then it probably is a lot of food. Now, take your meal and look at it again. Is it bright and colorful? If it is then you have a good food variety with lots of fruits and vegetables included. What is the ratio between your meat, vegetable, fruit and starch groups? If your vegetable group is the largest, followed by meat, fruit and starch then you are doing well.
The Half Meal Rule
Generally, if you plan on eating a correct portion size at a restaurant, you'll take their serving size and cut it in half. Your mother was wrong; you don't have to finish everything on your plate. That advice was based on a young, active growing body and does not apply to you now. Consider this; in this time of spiraling food costs, if you take half the meal home you'll save money by purchasing two meals for the price of one. Sometimes certain foods are even better the next day. If you are not a leftover person, just leave it behind.
Save Yourself a Lot of Work
Remember, every extra 250 calories consumed means another hour of exercise. If you're not careful, it is easy to overeat 500 to 1000 extra calories in a day. Do the math and you'll see that it takes 2 to 4 hours of exercise time just to maintain your current body weight. If you are trying to lose weight, the 2 to 4 hours of exercise does not shed one extra pound from your body. So be smart and eat a normal, healthy portion to control your weight and then exercise 3 hours a week to improve your health.
Learn Your Correct Meal Size
Once you can look at your plate and know what the correct amount of food looks like, counting calories can be a thing of the past. As you make the switch from counting to visualizing, it may be helpful to get a food scale and a measuring cup. You can weigh a correct portion of chicken, beef or fish and remember what that looks like on your plate. Use the measuring cup for serving sizes of vegetables, rice, pasta and fruits. Once you see what a meal with correct portion sizes is supposed to look like, at home or eating out, you'll never overeat again. If you have questions or need more help, feel free to email or call me for more personalized advice.
Would you like to reduce stress and get to a healthy weight but don't know where to start? I provide an easy to follow program called Healthy Weight!TM that gets to the root of excess weight; stress eating. You will lose the excess weight and improve your bone health, posture, balance and strength all at the same time. To get started, contact me for a complimentary Strategy Session at 703-628-2880 or email to
BOSU: Better Bone Strength, Balance and Heart Health
by Woody McMahon
The BOSU Trainer
The BOSU is a unique piece of functional training equipment that can help improve your strength, balance and cardiovascular fitness. If you are not using the BOSU in your workouts, you are missing out on a great piece of training equipment. The BOSU is a half round ball that is flexible and feels much like a trampoline when you stand on it. Originally the name "BOSU" was an acronym for "Both Sides Up." It meant that the BOSU Balance Trainer could be used on either side; the dome or the platform.
A Note of Caution
Even though the BOSU is an excellent training tool, it may not be appropriate for everyone. It is best to start slowly and safely with the BOSU to prevent injuries or falls. Please contact me if you have questions about its value for you.
Benefits to Balance
The BOSU is considered an advanced balance trainer especially if you are standing on it. It should be used after other balance training exercises have been mastered. The soft, movable surface places a greater demand on your balance muscles, core stabilizers, foot proprioceptors and inner ear. This increased demand on the equilibrium mechanisms challenges them to improve your balance faster. Beginners can start using the BOSU by stepping into it with one foot at a time. Each step increases your comfort level with how the BOSU moves under your feet.
Improvements in Bone Strength
The BOSU is really just a flexible step that requires greater use of your stability muscles to maintain balance. It adds an unstable dimension to any lower or upper body exercise creating a greater muscular and boney challenge. Of course, an increased challenge means faster strength gains in less time. The soft, deformable surface strengthens your whole leg complex (foot, ankle, knee, hip and core) as it works together to try and stabilize the rest of your body.
For a Healthier Heart
The BOSU offers the perfect solution for those looking to get a more functional and dynamic cardiovascular workout, especially if you have knee, hip or back pain. Standing on the soft surface of the BOSU, you can step quickly or jump up and down for several minutes really getting your heart pumping. For more advanced users, you can start on the floor and jump onto the BOSU. Finally, standing on the ball performing 90 or 180 degree jump turns offers a balance, strength and heart challenge like none other. The BOSU beats the treadmill hands down for a healthier heart.
Some Great BOSU Exercise Ideas
The many ways you can use the BOSU is only limited by your imagination and creativity. Here are 3 good exercises to challenge your balance, strength and cardiovascular conditioning.
1. BOSU Balance
The first time you try this place the BOSU near a wall in case you need to hold on for stability. Place the BOSU on the floor flat side down. Start by stepping onto the BOSU and placing your feet slightly less than shoulder width apart. Stand on two feet until you feel comfortable with the feeling of the soft, moveable surface. Then try walking around the top of the ball in a circle to increase your balance challenge. If your balance is very good, place one foot on the top center of the BOSU and try balancing on one leg. Switch legs after about a minute.
2. BOSU Jumps/Jump Turns
Place the BOSU on the floor flat side down. Start by stepping onto the BOSU placing your feet slightly less than shoulder width apart. Bounce up and down until you feel comfortable on the soft surface. Once you feel stable try jumping high enough so that your feet actually leave the ball. Make sure to keep your knees bent. When you have mastered that progression, try 90 degree jump turns. Make sure to jump in both directions for equal balance and muscle development.
3. BOSU Lunges
Place the BOSU on the floor, flat side down, against a wall or other immovable surface. Standing back about 3 feet and facing the BOSU, lunge into the side of the soft top surface. Try to keep your balance making sure that both knees are slightly bent and your back heel is slightly off the ground. Also keep your head and chest upright and maintain your balance. Return to your original starting position and step with the other foot. You can make it a little more challenging by placing the hands on your hips.
Give these exercises a try and see how the BOSU can really add a whole new dimension to your workout. If you have questions or need more help, feel free to email or call me for more personalized advice.
I can help you create an exercise program that is safe, fun, effective and can be performed anywhere. Most people find the gym too boring. I can develop a "do anywhere" program that fits your needs and will have you looking good and feeling great in no time. To get started, contact me for a complimentary Strategy Session at 703-628-2880 or email to
Complimentary Falls Screening in November...
Falls Screening and Prevention Program!
At Sequoia Health we are committed to helping our clients and the community prevent falls and fractures. Problems with your balance can occur at any age and generally develop slowly over time. Better balance and a stronger body is THE KEY to preventing falls, fractures and improving the quality of your life.
Virginia Falls Coalition
We have joined the Virginia Falls Coalition which is a part of a national Falls Free initiative started in 2006 by the NCOA. As a part of the coalition, we will offer free balance testing at our office in Herndon and at selected partner sites throughout Northern Virginia. We will also hold regular falls prevention workshops and balance classes to help people reduce their fear of falling, enhance their balance and increase the quality of their lives. Call for more information about becoming a partner site.
Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance
We are offering one of the best falls prevention programs in the world. What makes this program so unique is that it has been shown through scientific and clinical research papers to reduce th frequency of falls by over 50%. Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance modifies traditional Tai Chi movements and creates a unique, therapeutic balance system. The movements and activities integrate motor, sensory and cognitive components to improve postural control, balance, gait and enhance performance of daily functional tasks and mobility for older adults. The classes are especially helpful for those who have movement and cognitive impairments and balance challenges such as Parkinson's and Alzheimers's disease.
Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance is a 2 hour a week, 24 week program. It has the potential to prevent and manage various diseases by improving balance, circulation, coordination, confidence, well-being and quality of life in middle-aged and older adults. It is a great addition to the CDC recommended goal of participating in 150 minutes of regular exercise per week.
To introduce as many people as possible to thos wonderful program, I am offering FREE introductory classes for the Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance functional therapy program.
For more information please contact Woody McMahon at 703-628-2880 or by email to
Sara Meeks, PT Talks About the Benefits of the LivMD
LivMD Updates
A New LivMD Testimonial Showing Bone Density Test Improvement
Customer writes in to Marodyne
I changed many things since my first DEXA scan in July 2009 – among them:
- diet
- exercise including working out with a 32 lb weight vest
- philosophy
- mechanical
Acquiring a Marodyne LIV tablet, which was delivered to me about Nov, 2013, falls into that mechanical category. I have been using it faithfully at least once a day for 10 minutes since then. My most recent DEXA scan [Sept 2015] shows the following results, which are all
“Trend: POSITIVE % change since previous DEXA scan [Feb 2013]”:
L1-L4 15.5%
Right Femur Total 17.9% *
Left Femur Total 10.6%
* My Right Femur bone density was decreasing at an alarming rate, and the only thing I was doing, which was one sided, was that I drive mostly by myself, so I was getting in and out of the car using my left leg. So for the past 2 years, to compensate, I make myself get in and out of the car using only my right leg at least half the time.
I’m sure the Marodyne LIV tablet has played a significant part in this most recent DEXA report results.
I just wanted you to know, and express my deepest thanks for the LIV tablet product. Thanks in part to your research and product, and in part to my consistency, tenacity, and multi-faceted approach, I’m very happy to report that my bone density is now the same as, or slightly better than, when I started on this journey 6 years ago!
Thank you all Marodyne Medical team!!
- See more at:
Customer writes in to Marodyne
I changed many things since my first DEXA scan in July 2009 – among them:
- diet
- exercise including working out with a 32 lb weight vest
- philosophy
- mechanical
Acquiring a Marodyne LIV tablet, which was delivered to me about Nov, 2013, falls into that mechanical category. I have been using it faithfully at least once a day for 10 minutes since then. My most recent DEXA scan [Sept 2015] shows the following results, which are all
“Trend: POSITIVE % change since previous DEXA scan [Feb 2013]”:
L1-L4 15.5%
Right Femur Total 17.9% *
Left Femur Total 10.6%
* My Right Femur bone density was decreasing at an alarming rate, and the only thing I was doing, which was one sided, was that I drive mostly by myself, so I was getting in and out of the car using my left leg. So for the past 2 years, to compensate, I make myself get in and out of the car using only my right leg at least half the time.
I’m sure the Marodyne LIV tablet has played a significant part in this most recent DEXA report results.
I just wanted you to know, and express my deepest thanks for the LIV tablet product. Thanks in part to your research and product, and in part to my consistency, tenacity, and multi-faceted approach, I’m very happy to report that my bone density is now the same as, or slightly better than, when I started on this journey 6 years ago!
Thank you all Marodyne Medical team!!
- See more at:
Here is a link to another excellent LivMD customer testimonial that talks about significant increases in bone density scores by using the LivMD.
More Volunteers Need for Our LivMD
Investigational Study
We are conducting an investigation study of the Marodyne LivMD Low Intensity Vibration device. We are looking for a wide range of study participants with a broad set of health conditions. The study will collect a variety of information from the volunteers to assess the effectiveness of the LivMD for:
- Improving Circulation
- Restoring motion to joints
- Redeveloping muscles
- Assisting as an adjunct treatment for obesity
- Relieving aches and pains throughout the body
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer study participant, please contact Woody McMahon at 703.628.2880 or email to
Falls & Fractures!
We Can Help You Stay Safe!
A Simple 10 Minute Test That Can Save Your Life!
Our Falls Prevention Screening offers three simple tests that can accurately predict your risk of falls, future mobility and balance that can lead to fractures and other injuries. These tests are a part of the CDC- STEADI Falls Prevention Program. Once you know your score and risk level, we'll help you create a falls prevention and balance program to reduce your risk of falling. You can practice these simple activities at home or join one of our Falls Prevention Classes.
To lean more go to Falls Prevention Screening and watch the videos that demonstrate the tests that we will use in your screening. For more information or to schedule your screening contact Woody McMahon at 703.628.2880 or email to
Give the Gift of Health!
Posture Perfect!TM Classes...
Looking for the perfect healthy birthday gift for someone? Consider purchasing a gift certificate for one or several Posture Perfect!TM classes. Gift certificate amounts start at $25. This is the perfect gift, the gift of health, to give to someone you love.
Posture Perfect!TM First Class FREE
If you have never tried Posture Perfect!TM you owe it to yourself to come to one of our convenient classes and see how good it makes you feel. We want you to give us a try. Come take your first Posture Perfect!TM class for FREE. It's on us... what do you have to lose?
Please call Woody McMahon at 703.628.2880 or email to for more information or to make your reservation.
The FREE Posture Perfect!TM class helps introduce you to the many benefits of our safe and effective posture, balance and strength program co-developed by Sara Meeks, PT and Woody McMahon, personal trainer.
Come and experience how each class can help strengthen your bones, improve your balance, alleviate back aches and neck pains, improve osteoporosis and teach you how to sit and stand-up straighter.
The History of Posture Perfect!TM
When I developed the Posture Perfect!TM classes over 2 years ago, there were no safe and effective exercise programs available for "over age 50" adults. Everywhere I looked there were older adults in classes that used seated exercises (bad for your back); machine style exercises (bad for your balance) treadmills (a poor hip and leg strengthener); and performed movements
that involved crunching, bending and twisting. (increases the risk of spinal compression fractures).
Posture Perfect!TM solved all of these problems by offering a safe and effective approach helping older adults become more active. Each class improves your posture, strengthens your bones, enhances your balance, alleviates back aches and neck pains, reduces fracture risk and teaches you how to sit and stand-up straighter.
We have several people in our current classes who are coming to strengthen their bones and over half of the others are interested in exercises and posture changes to help make their backs and necks feel better.
Please call Woody McMahon at 703-628-2880 or email to for more information, class times and reservations.
Posture Perfect!TM Testimonials...
Posture Perfect's! momentum continues to grow. Here is a glowing testimonial from one of our class members.
"Posture Perfect!TM class has not only met my expectations, but exceeded them! There are several reasons I enjoy the class. The small class size gives each of us extraordinary personalized training; your knowledge, expertise, patience, and sense of humor makes me look forward to coming to a class I thought would be only for 6 weeks; and I have learned so much more than I expected."
"For example, I now think about my posture every time I sit, and just when I thought I'd begin to have a hard time rising from sitting on the floor, you taught me how to make it easier. I try to practice some of the balance exercises a couple of times a week (I know, I should do it more often!). I thank you for all I have learned from you so far, and hope to continue this class for the foreseeable future!"
Paula S.
Read more about S.A.F.E. and effective Posture Perfect!TM classes.
Continued Good Health,
Woody McMahon
The Sequoia Advisor
Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
483A Carlisle Drive
Herndon, VA
Required Disclaimer: The material provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The material is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. The publisher does not advise or recommend to its readers treatment or action with regard to matters relating to their health or well-being other than suggesting that readers consult appropriate health-care professionals in such matters. No action should be taken based solely on the content of this publication. The material and opinions provided herein are believed to be accurate and sound at the time of publication, based on the best judgment available to the authors. However, readers who rely on material in this publication to replace the advice of health-care professionals, or who fail to consult with health-care professionals, assume all risks of such conduct. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.
Copyright (c) 2006-2015 by Sequoia Health and Fitness, Inc.
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