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As far as feedback on the Posture Perfect!TM class goes, it has not only met my expectations, but exceeded them! There are several reasons I enjoy the class...
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You Can STAY, We Can Help!
Take advantage of our FREE in-home
assessment. Call us at
703.628.2880 to learn more or
schedule your assessment today.
Let us help you stay in your home!
Learn More About Our Unique Program
Staying in your own home is usually the best choice for continued
comfort, security, independence and good health. We believe the
old saying that "your home is your castle" and that is why we
created the 4-Step Stay at Home program.
Our program allows you to live in your own home for as long as you
want. We offer valuable assistance and the right resources making
staying at home your best possible option.
Learn more about our complete 4-Step Stay at Home program that
takes the guesswork and confusion out of remaining in your own home.
Please call us at 703.628.2880 to schedule your in-home assessment.
Let us help you get started today!
Our 4-Step Stay at Home Program
Step 1 Assess and Plan
Assessing and planning is the important first step to staying in your own home. Take advantage of our free in-home assessment and we will help you begin the Stay at Home planning process.
At a convenient day and time, one of our Certified Senior Advisors (CSA) will come to you for an in-home visit. Your CSA will speak directly to you and any family members who wish to participate about the many benefits of staying in your own home. You will also have the opportunity to get answers to the questions that most concern you about staying at home.
Your CSA will ask questions about your:
- Lifestyle
- Support Needs
- Home Safety
- Self-Care
- Physical and Mental Health History
- Current Support System
- Desired Support System
- Five Wishes
- Physical and Mental Wellness
Your CSA will take your answers plus their observations and combine them into an easy to read and follow Stay at Home Plan. After reviewing the plan, your CSA can talk more about the time line and the logical step-by-step process of implementing your plan.
Please call us at 703.628.2880 to schedule your free
in-home assessment. Let us help you get started today!
Step 2 Build Your Support Team
Having a strong support team is essential to staying in your own home.
Each member of your team has an important role to play. Your Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) is the team leader and will organize your team. Each memeber will help make your life easier and allow you to feel comfortable and secure in your home.
Your team will assist you in daily activities, transportation and making healthy choices. Your team will make you aware of and recommend services that will allow you to live an independent, productive and healthy life.
You will have choices of services that can:
- Drive you to the doctor
- Help you with food shopping or meals
- Get you started on an exercise program
- Improve the safety of your home
- Maintain or update your home
- Help you make healthier food choices
Your support team is there to help you remain independent, maintain good health and enjoy the freedom and comfort of your own home.
Please call us at 703.628.2880 to schedule your
in-home assessment. Let us help you get started today!
Step 3 Your Home is Your Castle
It is important to feel safe and comfortable in your own home. When your Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) visits your home they will evaluate the interior and exterior living areas.
We want you to live safely and comfortably in your home. This may require making modifications or changes to some areas or systems in your home.
You may need to:
- Improve indoor and outdoor lighting to help you see better
- Remove trip hazards to help prevent falls
- Install hand or grab rails to assist in your freedom of movement
- Add a Lifeline to help you in-case of an emergency
We can offer recommendations for companies that know Universal Design and who are fair and reliable. Their suggestions and changes can help you feel more secure in your castle.
Please call us at 703.628.2880 to schedule your
in-home assessment. Let us help you get started today!
Step 4 Physical and Mental Strength
A stronger body and a healthier mind makes it easier to remain independent and stay in your own home.
A safe and effective activity program can help reduce pain, improve posture, promote better balance, build strength and increase health by ppracticing just a few simple activities.
During the initial assessment, your Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) will conduct several checks to determine your physical and mental strength.
Your CSA wants to evaluate and know about your:
- Balance
- Activity levels
- Seated and standing posture
- Ability to navigate indoors and out
- Short and long-term memory
- Leg and total lower body strength
Based on these checks we will have Woody McMahon, our certified adult fitness specialist, make activity recommendations to help improve your physical and mental strength. An at-home activity program might be just what you need to create a stronger, more balanced body and a healthier mind.
Increasing strength and balance help reduce the risk of falls and other injuries while keeping you active an independent. Learning various brain stimulating activities keeps your mind sharp and memory clear.
A stronger body and mind also allows you to enjoy life more, remain independent longer and stay in your own home for as long as you want. We recommend the Sara Meeks, PT series of activities to keep your body strong and mind relaxed.
Please call us at 703.628.2880 to schedule your
in-home assessment. Let us help you get started today!
There's No Place Like Home
FREE Workshop Schedule
Thursday October 23th, 2014 from 10:00-11:00 am
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax (UUCF) Program Building
2709 Hunter Mill Rd, Oakton, VA 22124
Please call 703.628.2880 for reservations.
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A mindful and holistic approach to Fall Prevention, Balance, Full Body Functional Strengthening and Posture Exercises for All Ages! Our Science-Based Exercises are Safe and Appropriate for Your Ability. Our Exercises Help Improve Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Fear of Falling, Balance and Strength Problems. Reston, Great Falls, Herndon, Middleburg, Arlington Sterling and Northern Virginia.
483A Carlisle Drive
Herndon, VA 20170
300 West Washington Street
Middleburg, VA 20118
email: woody@sequoiahealth.com